Question about Windows95 : LUSENET : Corporate Suckup Forum : One Thread

Please don't call me anything bad just because I still use Windows 95. All I want and need to know is: How does Windows 95 tell which version of DUN it uses? I need to know to this before considering upgrading to DUN 1.3.

P.S. I am not a Windows advocate.

-- Vince (, March 09, 2000


I don`t have a clue and don`t know if this all is spelled right, bud i`m not enlish.

I have a question for you. How do i install javascript, cause i realy don`t know

please tell me

-- Remco (, November 30, 2001.

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-- Pilla Srinivas ( Pilla Naga Srinivasa Rao ) (, July 04, 2002.

ناره مار حق چار يار دا

-- Your Full Name (-- Vince (, July 06, 2003.

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