Tracking children... : LUSENET : FRL friends : One Thread

I had this discussion with someone in FRLchat one night. Wish I could remember who. I wish there was a way we could track children using some sort of Lojack like implant. Just below the skin, like the way they put in those birth control sticks. That way, if someone tries to steal your child,..the police could track them down pretty quickly. Then, when the child becomes say 16, you would go and have it removed.(To prevent government tracking of any individual...for us sufficiently paranoid folk) Or would that be too mark of the beastish?

-- kritter (, March 09, 2000


Such technology presently exists and is being incorporated into new cars. A researcher in the northeast recently made news by having a chip implanted in his body.

Some information claims that by transmitting high frequency radio signals to the chip monitoring agencies can induce such a state of lethargy in the subject that he will not even bother to eat. Sounds like a great boon to mankind, no?

And, yes, that would be way too mark-of-the-beastish.


-- gene (, March 09, 2000.

Kritter -- the implant just below the skin would have to be in standard areas. No one would want the implant to be very big, but it could be felt easily. If someone takes your kid, it would be a simple matter to ...remove...the implant sans anesthesia. You can imagine how.

-- helen (, March 09, 2000.

See WND for the latest report on the "digital angel" chip which will free you and your children from all your cares. Your location, state of health, bank balance, medical records, and who knows what else, will be instantly available to the benevolent force with the codes.

Aint that special?


-- gene (, March 21, 2000.

I was thinking about having a micro transmitter inter-woven into a bracelet or neck pendant that the child then wears. If missing or abducted this can then be picked up within a 50 mile radius.

Any ideas anyone else?

-- James Nixon (, August 17, 2002.

I will be the first one to sign up when they come up with a self powered tracking system that I can put into my son. Is it too mark of the beastish? No way! I know I am a good mother, but there is no way I can be with my son 24/7. Whether he is walking to or from school, or using the restroom in an over crowded theme park, I know that if and when that awful times come where we can't find him someone else will be able to by tracking that chip. I am a religious woman and I understand what implications that may seem like, but above that I am also and more so a religiously devoted mother. -Libby

-- Libby Bowman (, February 02, 2003.

What kind of tracking has bill gates got on his family. Is there some sort of implant that is already available? If so, where and how much. Kids get kidnapped every day in this country, hell in Italy it's how some people make a living. They don't ask for much only 10 or 12k, you know, just enough to pay the bills. Anything i can do to ensure the safety of my children, short of locking them in the basement i am for. I'm not afraid of Big Brother either, i don't have anything to hide, besides what makes you think they don't know everything about everybody who isn't trying to hide already. As far as number of the beastish. I don't think so. I don't even think that it's the first step in the wrong direction. Technology if more and more a part of our lives everyday. Some resist, some embrace while others still just kinda say"yeah, ok, whatever." All i am concerned with is the safety of my children. I've looked into the bracelet thing, how hard would it be for somebody to take that thing off, just another reason to mame your kid, no thanks.

-- brady j peterson (, February 11, 2003.

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