Article Link: Crude Oil Prices Fall : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread


-A computer glitch yadda yadda-

-- Jonathan Latimer (, March 08, 2000


April Futures now (1154 PST) down $2.28 to $31.85.

Markets continue to do what they've always done - fluctuate.

-- Jim Cooke (, March 08, 2000.

Yeah, they just "fell" this morning at my local gas station too. From 1.44 to 1.51. How about that.

-- uh huh (@ .), March 08, 2000.

Interesting concept that a drop in April futures would somehow translate directly into whatever would happen today at your local gas station. But then, you know that's really not the case, don't you?

-- Jim Cooke (, March 08, 2000.

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