Need a Volunteer : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

For anyone with access to the "camp", to alert Mr. Shakey to this additional alternative. The old TB has re-arranged order of the last postings. Mr. Shakey may be unaware of the different selections. Probably, his main focus, has been on other matters.

-- Instant (, March 06, 2000


Attention, green goddess. The puppy has chewed the slippers. I repeat, the puppy has chewed the slippers. Please return your seat to the full upright position. cc: Mr. Shakey and old TB.

-- Brian McLaughlin (, March 06, 2000.

The snowman sleeps till noon.

-- kritter (, March 06, 2000.

message posted to "Shakey's" thread, 10:05 PM EST Monday.

-- (it', March 06, 2000.

LOLOL Brian!

-- cin (, March 06, 2000.

Pssst Brian,

{the monkey squawks at midnight}

-- flora (***@__._), March 06, 2000.

Thank You Mr/Ms "It's posted" I Thank you, for your generous help.

-- Instant (, March 06, 2000.

Clyde the colossal cockroach crunches cake crumbs and coughs constantly, having caught a cold in a carpet crevice.

-- dinosaur (, March 06, 2000.






Thank you.

-- dinosaur (, March 06, 2000.

Mr/Mrs. It's Posted, would you please give this message at same site:

The red missing sock has been found.

Thank you.

-- Sirhc (Ystac@dnop.moc), March 06, 2000.

So does this mean shakey will not finish the game?

-- 3 legs (, March 06, 2000.

My Dear Mr/Miz Instant,

I received your message over at the new TB forum. I am both flattered and not a little mystified that you deemed me worthy of being notified about TB uncensored.

I shall check here in my rounds (for news) as I always have, And if there is enlightening subject matter found. I surely will partisipate in the ensuing diaogue of said subject matter.

"As for me...I shall finish the Game"!


-- Shakey (in_a_bunker@forty.feet), March 07, 2000.

Subject: Need a Volunteer

For anyone with access to the "camp," would you please tell AKLloyd or al, that he is being paged for this forum.

Thrice the brinded cat hath mewed,

Thrice and once the hedge pig whined,

Harpier cries 'tis time, 'tis time..... for AL come visit this forum. This old witch would like him to join the A Team.

-- (, March 07, 2000.

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