Is there a PC equivalent to iMac DV Special Edition? : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread

I've seen a lot of press about the iMac specially designed for DV desktop editing. Unfortunately, I am committed to PCs and can't really afford to get an iMac just for DV. Is there a PC equivalent of the iMac Special Edition?

-- R. Holmes (, March 05, 2000


There are several software packages you can buy to your PC that can enable it to perform as well, if not better than the imac dv system. Products from Ulead [], from Pinnacle,Adobe. And as always the performance of your base PC will determine your overall productivity. An excellent website to venture to is VIDEOGUYS.COM Good Luck------Dele

-- DELE LAYEMI (ASHAJU2000@HOTMAIL.COM), March 07, 2000.

Check out Dell's Movie Studio, complete with FireWire PCI card at:

-- Edwin R (, April 28, 2000.

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