How to select collors or differnd sizes for a product : LUSENET : S-Mart Shopping Cart : One Thread

Has everybody a solution for this problem? Is there a posibility to select differend options of an article (for example differnd collors or sizes)?

-- Jvrg Scheffel (, March 05, 2000


Please be more specific and descriptive about the problem that you are facing. Thanks.

-- Patrick Chan (, March 05, 2000.

Hello. I would like to give the possibility with different Artikelenof letting a certain size as well as colour select with the order.These options are to be indicated in the warenkorb as.

-- joerg scheffel (, March 06, 2000.

You can do this by displaying the available selections. Try using the drop down selection in individual pages/sections or list out all available choice in the database.

God bless!

-- Patrick Chan (, March 06, 2000.

Thank you. I have still another small problem. As I add these option data to artickel on that the this in the warenkorb with am displayed

for example: ball ,red,large

-- joerg scheffel (, March 07, 2000.

All your problems are solved in the new scripts. There are three user definable fields for say, size, color option. The list of features and a DEMO are here:

You can get the scripts from the HOST-HERE DOWNLOAD ENGINE:

Gregory Swofford

-- Gregory Swofford (, March 07, 2000.

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