to trade in these wings on some wheels : LUSENET : It's All About Joe 90: The Discussion Board : One Thread

i hope i got that right.

ohmygosh. i went in for oven-fry chicken and rice at 1130pm. my mum had a plate for me. she's so nice. what a pretty lady.

i can't think right now. i'm about to fall asleep on my laptop. its not happy with me.

i've traveled close to 3000 miles to see joe90 in the last month. crazy.

i went in for 2 corona's last night. and damnit, i'm glad i did. you should all be proud of me. i was loaded. massive. stewed. huge. wasted. brutal. yeah, man. on the 10-foot walk from the bathroom to the bed, i nearly injured myself. i almost fell over. 2 corona's. i don't hold my alcohol well. is that how you spell alcohol? someone help me.

the best thing about being home is sleeping in my own bed with my prone yellowdog and the innocent yellowbunny. i can't wait to snuggle up all nice in bed. sleep is good.

our lives rule. i had such a great time yesterday. even if i was overly concerned with getting kicked out of the bar. but thats just me. paranoid. what can i say?

before i post things i shouldn't, i'm gonna go for some sleep. those milkshakes were good. my lemonade has pulp. had. not has. time for beddy bye.

thank you everyone. you've made everything massive. huge. brutal.


-- ~Jill (, March 05, 2000


i just have to say jill RULES for putting thunder road lyrics in the subject heading! this is the best thread ever, just because of that.

and i didnt see you, but i'm sure you weren't overly paranoid about the 21+ thing! i was definitely under-ly paranoid about that and should have avoided the bar. especially when the manager was over there, although i didnt notice him until it was too late and according to gary i'm now on probation for getting into 21+ shows. i'll be good next time though :)

sounds like you all had a great time and a great setlist in philly!!! wish i could have made it... they better announce new tour dates soon, i'm in serious withdrawal already!

-- kathy (, March 05, 2000.

whoa oh oh come take my hand we're heading out tonite to case the promised land

kathy, i WAS overly paranoid about being kicked out. i played stealth all night in the big black booth. i got up for joe90. then i went back to the corner of the big black booth. actually, i stood for a little while....but yanno. tried to lay low. i was less worried at the end of the evening than the beginning.

i found my mail this morning, form when i was gone. now im scared. i got my transcripts from school. i can like, officially apply to college now. oh my gosh. im gonna try to mail it out tomorrow afternoon. how scary is that?! i'm going in for college once again. let's all think happy thoughts.

never ever save homework, from the last 4 weeks, for a sunday. its a very very bad idea.

have a good sunday*

-- ~Jill* (, March 05, 2000.

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