Oil Refinery Problems List?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Back before TB2000 shut down & moved someone had posted a link to a list of oil refinery outages/shutdowns/problems. I can no longer find it. Does anyone have this info?

-- questioner (pondering@question.com), March 04, 2000


This may be what you were looking for: (?) It's somewhat outdated....


-- WhoMe (WhoMe@nowhere.home), March 04, 2000.

There is one on bloomberg ?

-- ROB MERDOCH (MRLOVE99@HOTMAIL.COM), March 05, 2000.

No, it wasn't Marcia's pg (which hasnt been updated since early Feb), it was another list with data up thru Feb...sigh

-- questioner (pondering@question.com), March 05, 2000.

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