Sweetest variety of Strawberries?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I live in zone 5 and tried growing strawberries a couple years ago. My berries were not sweet although they looked really good. What variety would be best and is there a "secret ingredient" to add to the soil or something? Thanks - Kathy
-- Kathy Swietlik (jubilant@ncweb.com), March 03, 2000
I'm also in Zone 5, central Missouri, and I really like Cardinal. They get red to the heart if you are sure the tips of the berry ripe and they don't require much sweetening. They make good runner growth, almost too good. I started on a site where I had spread fresh manure the fall before then in the early spring I planted 2 rows of 25 plants each. I had all we cared to eat fresh, about 35 pints sliced and frozen with a little sugar, about 3 gallons to make jam and invited several neighbors to come pick all they wanted. Good luck with yours.
-- Marilyn (rainbow@ktis.net), March 03, 2000.
We lucked on to an entire flat of Quinalt strawberry plants last year that were being thrown out by a greenhouse, since they were too overgrown to be sold. They have also sent out lots of runners, and are a fairly decent berry. Could I take some of the runner plants and put them inside now, either in potting soil or in water, to get them going early? Does any one do this? My thought is to have some potted ones, nice and green and growing for sale when the weather is nicer. Jan
-- Jan Bullock (Janice12@aol.com), March 04, 2000.