Fencing in of main tot lotgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Kentlands : One Thread |
Does anyone know if there has ever been any discussion of completely fencing in the tot lot by the clubhouse? The new fence along the street and basketball court side is great, but I'm wondering why the fence wasn't extended all the way around. The pool in particular is incredibly enticing for toddlers, and once they're over there, they're off and running.
-- claudia salzberg (claudia_salzberg@yahoo.com), March 02, 2000
I STRONGLY oppose ANY fencing in that are AT ALL. The fencing currently there is a complete waste. Parents should watch their kids, not put fencing all over the place!!! Anyway, the pool is fenced off already!
-- Josh Paiva (JoshPaiva@bConvergent.NET), July 05, 2001.