need sign language words to "my heart will go on" {-e-} : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
I need the words to the song of my heart will go on in sign language ASAP my daughter is in the talent show at our grade school and wants to do this song in sign languge with the cd from back to the titanic if you have this or know some one who does I need this by March 5, 2000 we have looked evey where we can think of you are our last hope please help if you can ASAP.thank you
Bonnie J. Exley
-e- {added paragraph and break tags}
-- Bonnie J. Exley (, March 01, 2000
In most communities there are centers devoted to helping the deaf. You might want to try one of those--I'm sure someone would be happy to help you learn the song in sign!
-- Nonnie (, March 03, 2000.
Im from Uruguay, im studing english and i need the "titanics" song and "heaven" of Brian Adams.the words.thats my homework for the next week.Can you help me? thank you and God bless you. Marcos.
-- Marcos Diaz (, October 12, 2002.
What you should do is go to the public librey and ask the liberen where you can find lyrics for thee deaf. Im trying to learn to sign so i would be able to teach it some day.
-- Phoebe Newcomer (, February 01, 2003.
I am learning sign lanuage so need it.
-- Antonio Briseno (, June 01, 2003.
Can i please have the signs for the song
-- Laura Christine Horne (, October 20, 2003.