Broom making : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Does anyone on the net know where to buy broom making equipment?Foe example, winders, scrapers, sewing machines, bumpers and the small hand tools used to make the broomes?
Also, where to buy supplies: nails, staples twine (for sewing), lables, dye (for dying broomcorn) etc.
Thank you for any help.
-- Roy Alvey (, March 01, 2000
I seem to remember one of the Foxfire books showing you how to make brooms, and including how to make some of the equipment. You should be able to find them in your local library.
-- Connie (, March 03, 2000.
To Connie@lunehaven.comThanks for the Foxfire info on brooms. I'll check the library for sure.
-- Roy Alvey (, March 03, 2000.
I found an antique winder and tools,equiptment through a newspaper known as Lancaster Farming. An amish fellow in New Holland Pa. had it for 500.00 You can acess Lancaster Farming on the web,and use the want ads or subscribe and get ads in mailbox market free once a month. It also lists many pages of auctions ,local events,dutch recipes etc. etc.... or Lancaster Farming Ephrata,Pa.
-- Charles Rowland (, February 21, 2001.
Check with the Thomas Monahan Co. in Arcolia Illonois. They supply broom corn, handle, book and supplies. There is a festival there every year over labor day < I think. Also might check into classes held at John C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown,S.C. They have a toll free number. There is also a book called " To Buy A Broom Besom" by Young that might be of some help. There is also a blacksmith tape available by a blacksmith in Florida that instructs on how to tie brooms on blacksmith's handles. Wish I could be of more help. Kim
-- KIM A. SOLADINE (, June 20, 2001.
If you need more info just holler. I've been making brooms and simple broom machines for over 25 years. Ingles
-- ingles alexander (, August 12, 2001.
Hi. In case you are interested, I sell the best broom corn of Mexico by the trailer, if you are interested, don't hesitate in contacting me. Martha Garcia
-- MARTHA GARCIA (, August 20, 2001.
A good contact for lots of old broom making equipment: Mr Herb Shifley Galion, Ohio (419)462-5994
-- Ray Hartman (, April 13, 2002.