What's your favorite episode?greenspun.com : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
I was just wondering what everyone's favorite episodes are. My favorite 2 are Hell and High Water from season 2 when Doug has to rescue the boy from the storm drain, and Exodus from season 4 when Carter has to take over and evacuate the ER. Any othe
-- Joseph (JH4679@aol.com), February 29, 2000
Sorry, but my number one all time favorite is still "Loves Labor Lost"!
-- Deb (KHege@AOL.com), February 29, 2000.
Mine has to be "All in the Family" not only because I can't remember all the episode names, but because it was just so filled with emotion and great acting all around.
-- Joy (joijoy@webtv.net), March 01, 2000.
My favorites are probably 1) Love's Labor Lost (They shoulda sent her up to O.B. I tell ya!) 2) Exodus (a.k.a everyone flips but Carter) 3) All in the Family (R.I.P Lucy) 4) Everything Old is new Again (Tag and Carol's non-wedding) 5) The Healers (Poor toasted Raul)
-- Amanda Drew (MEGDENTON@prodigy.net), March 01, 2000.
I think mine is The Blizzard, and also Coming Home(Carol's returm to the ER after she attempted suicide).
-- Whitney (CWB Sierra Angel@aol.com), March 01, 2000.
I was thinking about posting the same topic!In no particular order, some of my fav's (1) Blizzard (the 1st ep I watched); (2) Everything Old is New Again; (3) The Healers; (4) Night Shift; (5) John Carter MD (if just for them playing SLy and the Family Stone at the beginning); (6) All in the Family...and I'm sure there are some others pretty close.
-- Larry (larrybro95@hotmail.com), March 01, 2000.
"Exodus" and "All in the Family". . . and maybe "Great Expectations" just because it involves Carol and babies, two of my favorite things:)
-- joy(not the same one as above:)) (jac301@is9.nyu.edu), March 01, 2000.
"Blizzard (the first time I saw the 'family' in action)" "Union Station (a stunning goodbye for Susan Lewis)" "Exodus (for reasons already mentioned)" "All in the Family ('nuff said)"
-- Chris A. (movibuf@juno.com), March 01, 2000.
#1...One More for the Road...very anticipatory with the Doug & Carol relationship; I did not know Doug would kiss Carol (Doug was with Anna, Carol was with Toby...who knew they'd do what I wanted them to do!) a VERY good surprise. All of the last few season 3 episodes were the best of ER, and the best of Doug & Carol.All in the Family...I think it must have made television history
Exodus...I have become very favorable to Carter recently
Best and worst: The Storm...worst for Doug and Carol, best for Carter and Lucy
-- Elaine (mrsclooney78@hotmail.com), March 01, 2000.
I have two favorites: Everything Old is New Again-I love it when Carol and her Uncle dance to Tequilla. My second favorite is Motherhood-Quinton Tarantino directed this episode where Chloe gives birth.
-- Carin (cdenisehaze@usa.net), March 01, 2000.
My favorites include: 1) All in the Family (Lucy only gets to say two words but she just dominates the episode 2) Love's Labor Lost (wasn't there anyone covering OB that night?) 3) Exodus (the diving reflex?) 4) Night Shift ( I can still here Carter shouting "Oh Sweet Jesus" when they discover it's Gant) I also especially liked when Dr. Ross hit bottom with Nadine Wilkes (ep. name?). Carol's refusal to comfort him was his first step back.
-- maryann (map5860@aol.com), March 02, 2000.
I have a few (in no particular order):-Love's Labor Lost (can we say crying my eyes out?) -Motherhood -Hell and High Water -The Healers -The Long Way Around -The Season 3 finale (I always forget the name, and somebody mentioned it above!!), just for that spectacular kiss on the porch. -Ambush (hey, a live episode is hard to pull off) -Something New (I'm a sucker for the drawer scene) -Do You See What I See? -The Storm: I & II -The Peace of Wild Things -Great Expectations
-- Leigh (WillnGraceNYC@yahoo.com), March 03, 2000.
I forgot "A Miracle Happens Here," the season 2 Christmas episode. Probably the loveliest holiday offering they ever did.
-- Chris A. (movibuf@juno.com), March 03, 2000.
mine is getting to know you and exodus
-- rachel (thehilfigergirl@aol.com), March 03, 2000.
I really liked the shows with Scotty Anspaugh and Jeannie, especially when she sang at his funeral.
-- mouse (twebb1@prodigy.net), March 03, 2000.
You've just reminded me of perhaps my very favorite moment on ER: it is when Jeanie gives Scotty "permission" to stop his experimental chemo treatments. Tears start to well up when I think of him saying that he doesn't want to go on and her saying that that is okay. So sad! I think this is also the same ep with the staff party at the Shangri- Lodge with Jerry's mother's meatballs, Dr. Ross singing "That's Amore", Kerry and Mark (with her cane) leading the conga line and Carter and Anna sitting quietly together enjoying all that is going on around them. What a great episode that I have no clue as to its name.
-- maryann (map5860@aol.com), March 03, 2000.
i have to agree with mel, when susan left, i almost quit watching ER, and it still is not the same without her!! it was just getting better till they brought all these new characters on! i wish ppl would stop leaving the show.
-- Alexis (lexicat1@webtv.net), March 04, 2000.
The episode with the banquet is 'Gut Reaction' and it really is among one of the better episodes. The banquet was very sweet...Mark telling everyone how they are a big family and thanking them for getting him through the year (due to his attack), Anna showing up even after the bone marrow operation Carter did for her, everyone dancing around, esp. Mark and Carrie dancing around drunk and singing, and before the banquet how Carol had convinced Carter to ask Anna out. They need more moments like this.
-- Elaine (mrsclooney78@hotmail.com), March 04, 2000.
No particular order: All In The Family (I still can't watch the part where Lucy actually dies) Exodus, A Miracle Happens Here, Do You See What I See, Getting To Know You, The Peace Of Wild Things, Great Expectations, Such Sweet Sorrow, May Day, Sand and Water, The Visit, Rescue Me, Surrender, A Walk In The Woods, The Crossing, Sailing Away, Where The Heart Is, Rampage. I have more, but I can't think of them right now. What can I say, I have a hard time making decisions.
-- Teddy (richarr@earthlink.net), June 17, 2001.