What is an error 20527?greenspun.com : LUSENET : SQL Server Database Administration : One Thread |
I am trying to print a Crystal report via VB6 code. The database is SQL server. I get a SQL Server Error 20527. Can not find it anywhere. Please help!
-- Anonymous, February 28, 2000
Debbie,There is not much. The error message, as you probably know, is:
Table '%s' passed rowcount (%d) and checksum validation. (Note: checksum is not compared for any text and image columns.)
On usenet, the three possibly useful pieces of advce are, "The reason [for the error] was a wrong connection to the server.", "[Be sure to] enter username, password, connection-type, etc.", and "In Crystal 6.0 the order must be identical in the report and in code."
Hope this helps,
-- Anonymous, February 28, 2000