Video and audio 'jumpy' with Pinnacle MP-10 and Pioneer DVD-V555... do I need a different player? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have the most recent version of the MP-10 software (the beta) and when I playback a created VCD on my player (Pioneer DVD-V555) the audio and video are unstable. Should I go with a Raite DVD player (capable of higher bitrates)? I just can't seem to capture anything without imperfections. Thanks.

-- Ed (, February 28, 2000


I have the same problem

The mpeg looks goon on my pc using media player but when I burn it onto cd using cd direct the image is un watchable on my wharfedale dvd player...

If you solve it will you please let me know?

-- Geoff Blackham (, March 20, 2000.

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