Noah's secret to Rosie (Spoiler - don't read this if you don't like them!) : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
First of all I'd like to thank those who emailed me and promised to keep what I told them quiet. I appriciate it. :) But it seems that this has been leaking all over the place - I even think that someone I told though email broke confidance and posted to the main ER site (ERTV), saying that *they* had discoverd what Noah said. But I can't be sure 'cause I tossed the email. :/ Oh well. So for those I told don't bother trying to keep it a secret any more. :) And I think we should now open a tread and discuss it. I'll start off by finally posting what I read on Noah's lips.We all heard him say that he would be on crutches for two episodes, and a cane for one and then "all hell breaks loose". What I read was Noah saying that there would be a big episode. Carter is in cronic pain so he begins to medicate himself. I assume this means that he writes his own perscriptions.
This is interesting considering how Noah felt about Anna's old boyfriend who got hooked on pain killers. And how he tried to convince Lucy to get off Riddelin (sp).
And Speaking of Lucy. Will taking the drugs be just to stop the physicall pain, or will he be "haunted" by Lucy? I hope it is the latter. I do not want Lucy to be forgotten. And I need to know (as I have stated many times) that Carter *misses* Lucy, and does not *just* feel guilt. (The same goes for all of the characters).
If any of what Noah said is true (and the story line doesn't change), I think it will be really interesting to see how it developes. What sets it off? And does "all hell break loose" *because* of this self-medication, or is the "hell" something that causes it (the self-medication)?
Let me know what you think - and hope this leak doesn't cause too much trouble.
-- Shauna (, February 27, 2000
Two friends of mine who aren't even on the 'net lip-read this easily and lots and lots of people figured it out, so I wouldn't worry about someone breaking a confidence. Besides, spoilers are revealed all the time and it won't cause any problems at all.
-- Phyl (, February 27, 2000.
No doubt you're right Phyl. I just felt kind of guilty about spreading the info, yet really wanted to tell peopele... do you understand? :) I just read your review on (at least I'm assuming that it was you - sorry if it's not). It made me laugh because you are right. Unlike you, I am a Lucy fan and was hit hard by her death. (I was/am in a personal emotional low, so I was more effected by it than I might have been otherwise). So you can understand why I (like others) were fuming about the apperent lack of aftermath in "Be Patient". But now that time has passed, I know that I never really expected anything else (or more) from the episode. I mean I would have liked a little more - I'm not talking about the complete halt of the ER, I know that's not realistic - but I still wasn't satisfied. (Who ever is?) But on the whole, the episode wasn't as bad as I felt it was earlier in the week. I think that comes from the hope that this story line (the effects of Lucy and her death), will continue, and not completely dissapear as I had feared. *sigh* As with everything, this comes from my own fears of being forgotten and not making a mark. (Plus I really like Kellie Martin). ;)
-- Shauna (, February 27, 2000.
That sounds very interesting! The self-medicating idea could be done very well. I too, would like to see him show that he misses Lucy. I think most of his problem is going to be the guilt associated with how he treated her that last day...not so much as the physical pain. I can't wait for the these new episodes. Thanks for sharing the spoiler!!
-- amanda (, February 28, 2000.
I am so thankful that I have found this web page and you revealed what Wyle said to Rosie. It was frustrating for me not to know, that is the "impatient" side of me, and I kept rewinding and rewinding to see if I could read his lips. The only thing I got was "pain killers". So, again Thanks, and I am a true believer and in favor of spoilers. For as impatient as I am, they suit me just fine. Sincerely Pam
-- Pam (, February 28, 2000.
That does sound interesting, kind of like an idea they had with Mark after his attack...Mark wanted Doug to perscribe pain killers for him but after he "beat up the lounge" Doug told him he wouldn't and that he should get some help. But they never went any further with that. I hope to see a lot of people helping him through this, and he had better miss Lucy. Maybe he will keep picturing her lying there and he will have issues about not being able to help her. As we all remember, the third thing out of his mouth when he woke up was "Lucy"...and despite all of the pain he was in when he screamed in the ER, he still looked more despaired to look over and see Lucy. If they ignore his caring about her I will be very upset. He couldn't even look Deb in the eye when he talked about Lucy's patients and the memorial service. If I were Deb I would have gotten my butt up and hugged him, he looked so sad.
-- Elaine (, February 29, 2000.
I feel Carter should feel guilt over Lucys death! When I think of the episode, Lucy kept pleading with Carter for help and he kept telling her to handle it. I was effected deeply by Lucys stabbing, I am haunted by the look on her face as she lay in a pool of her own blood.If Carter had stopped briefly to help strap the patient to the bed, he knew he showed a violent nature, yet he left a young woman alone with him. I will miss Kelly Martin and I feel her portrayal in he last 2 episodes were breathtaking ,she deserves an Emmy.
-- lucille (, February 29, 2000.
I am totally in favor of spoilers! Thanks for the info!! I am so looking forward to the next new eppys. Many people become addicted to pain killers without realizing until too late. The physical pain will begin as the main reason but as time goes on, he will need the medication to forget the emotional pain he is feeling. He will probably feel self-hatred because he will realize he is no better than Chase (heroin) or Lucy (ritalin) for taking his poison of choice. This storyline will more than likely continue into season 7 and I can hardly wait!!!
-- ann (, March 01, 2000.
I too saw the Rosie show, and my exact thoughts were that Carter was going to become addicted to prescription pain medication. In the last episode, he was trying to keep his pain from his co-workers and friends, and the family history of addiction would add credence to it too!It was also nice that he at least mentioned his Grandmother.
By the way, did you notice the overwhelming wish by every cast member that Carol leave the show in a happily ever after manner to be with Doug? Hopefully the writers couldn't disappoin the cast not to mention all of the viewers!
-- KJ (, March 01, 2000.