5 gallon plastic buckets as nest boxes

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I am so proud of my self and don't know why I did't think of it sooner ."I'm not sure if it will work " Well here goes ,I have more chickens than nesting boxes I thought of making wood ones I thought of buying those nice metal ones I thought of using the rubbermaid totes that I read someone used < they still cost money> Then a light went on as I was looking at my new pile of FREE bucket from the bakery . If I were only to cut the tops in halfand then attach some type of perch found some coated metal things for a landing spot ,then I screwed them into the wall on top of the existing nesting boxes .My chickens are probally rolling over laughing as I write this .O.K. this may be far fetched and they may never use them but it was an idea!And it was all mine and FREE!Has anyone ever done this? Has it worked? I keep you updated.

-- Patty Gamble (fodfarms@slic.com), February 27, 2000


Response to 5 gallon plastic buckets

I haven't done that. I hope it works for you. It definitely is a nice feeling to make something on your own especially when it's free. It must be nice to get those buckets free, around here they cost $1.50 and up. If the chickens are laughing, it could be from all those feathers, not you. Keep up the good work.

-- Cindy (cindyathomeonthefarm@hotmail.com), February 27, 2000.

Response to 5 gallon plastic buckets

it probably would work. We used ammunition boxes and just hooked them together on their side, then attached a 1x on the front to hold the straw in. Attach the 1x with hinges so they fold down, makes it easier to clean.

-- tom calloway (Calfarm@msn.com), February 27, 2000.

Response to 5 gallon plastic buckets

It sounds like a good idea to me. I once used metal milk crates.

-- Hendo (OR) (redgate@echoweb.net), February 27, 2000.

Response to 5 gallon plastic buckets

Patty, we have done this for several years now and it works wonderfully!! We started using these with our bantams and then went to our full size hens! So easy to keep clean. Have fun! sissy

-- sissy sylvester (jerreleene@hotmail.com), February 28, 2000.

Response to 5 gallon plastic buckets

Ok, Patti, explain this SLOWLY for those of us like me who can't seem to follow written directions! How are you cutting the buckets? You mentioned cutting the tops..(lids?) I have lots of buckets and need more nest boxes, so may have to give it a try! I put my perches way too close to our existing nests, so it is difficult for the hens to use them, have to move them out this year! Jan

-- Jan Bullock (Janice12@aol.com), February 28, 2000.

Response to 5 gallon plastic buckets

Sorry I get carried away sometimes.Yes I cut the tops-lids in half or a little smaller and put them back on the buckets.

-- Patty Gamble (fodfarms@slic.com), February 28, 2000.

Response to 5 gallon plastic buckets

Our "nesting box" is a set of bins that our co-op discarded after remodeling. Four gallon tubs were mounted into holes in a piece of plywood that slanted back from the floor, with plexiglass doors. They were used to sell bulk items. We popped off the plastic doors, just leaving the ledges that the doors were mounted to, and vola! The classiest nesting box in the county, for a few bucks. Don'tcha just LOVE being inventive and frugal, and have it work? Tee hee!

-- Leann Banta (thelionandlamb@hotmail.com), February 28, 2000.

Response to 5 gallon plastic buckets

Leann what a find ,I could think of a million uses for those bins.I'm glad I'm not the only one who has fun saving money and thinking of new ways to use things. The hens dont mind either!

-- Patty Gamble (fodfarms@slic.com), February 28, 2000.

Response to 5 gallon plastic buckets

Cool idea Patty! Our current nesting box is made out of an old dresser we found in our barn, too beat up to do anything with. My husband also once made nesting boxes out of some very beat up kitchen cabinets. It's a great feeling when you make something out of materials that would otherwise be wasted. kim

-- kim (fleece@eritter.net), February 28, 2000.

Response to 5 gallon plastic buckets

I have been using 5 gallon plastic buckets for 6 months, and they work great. This is after I built and installed wood nesting boxes. The hens would have nothing to do with the wood nesting boxes, and started to lay on the floor. My goal was to put a temporary nesting box on the floor and gradually move it to the wood next boxes. The buckets work so well, that I removed the wood nesting boxes.

Rather than use the lids, I cut a piece of scrap 3/4 lumber with a scroll saw to fit inside as a lip, then attached another to this for a landing spot. The wood lip is shaped to fit just inside the edge and it attached with a few sheetrock screws.

{btw: I saw this in a 70's vintage book, "how to build it better yourself" or something to that effect...}

-- ken butcher (kbutcher@sover.net), February 29, 2000.

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