Cheapest Ricoh 5300 in Los Angeles to buy new : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Would someone know the cheapest camera store in Los Angeles to buy a Ricoh 5300 digital camera, thanks Brian.

-- Brian (, February 27, 2000


The pricing I have found so far is not from stores; but the Ricoh web site. They are running the 5300 for $699.00 and the 5300 with the remote control feature for $729.00. I purchased my original RDC300Z from QVC as a special of the day and have found that they have really good deals. If you find any prices cheaper than that I would appreciate the information as I am looking to upgrade and am focusing on the same model.

-- Judy (JLYON68118@AOL.COM), March 16, 2000.

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