How to best take food photos for putting on web pages : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I have purchased on sony digital camera and want to use it to take photos of pastries for use on our web site. Ideally want to have a standard "photo studio?" so that all shots have the same feel and look. Also have been told that it is important to get the lighting and background right so that I can use software to cut away the background. Someone mentioned a piece of equipment called a "product shot stand" is this what I need?

thanks for your help


-- Wyatt Pruim (, February 27, 2000


If you want to remove the background, you'll be better off shooting your pastries in front of a blue screen. Food seldom contain the colour blue and can thus be easily removed using softwares like photoshop. However, since you intend to set up a photo studio, it may be a good idea to use paintings or fabric as your background. I find that it saves more time and in post, just avoid using things which are too complicated that competes for attention with your food.

-- Duke Law (, May 19, 2003.

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