Anticipate U.S. Military Engagement in Early March: Charlie Trie Scheduled to Testify Before Congress : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

My take on a Drudge headliner ......

-- Squirrel Hunter (nuts@upina.cellrelaytower), February 25, 2000


i was a little slow but now I get it!!!! funny. probably true. or maybe when TSHF that Y2K glitches will be recognized by the administration to take the heat off.

-- tt (, February 25, 2000.

Please take a moment to indulge a thick-headed geek who can't figure anything out unless it's presented in the framework of systematic if- then-else-logic. What are we talking about here?

-- Markus Archus (m@rkus.archus), February 25, 2000.

Markus Archus, every time the king has a scandal that the mass media absolutely can't ignore no matter what, he goes invades and murders people overseas. Think back on the timing of the kings little wars, what was going on at the time. It's blatant.And the dot mil does it's lock step, goose step, "just following orders", wave the flag, wave the kings weenie. And the herd in congress lowers it's collective head to graze somemore, glad that thier turn hasn't come yet, just waiting. They fuss and fume, but the blackmail fix is in. Happens everytime. Soon to be coming to a north american third world nation near you, right on your block, in fact.....

-- History (repeats@itself.kings.wars), February 25, 2000.

Duh. Wag the dog. Monica and Kosovo. Don't I feel like a thick- headed idiot. Well, still glad I asked.

-- Markus Archus (m@rkus.archus), February 25, 2000.

Let us consider a company or so of US Army Rangers in the jungles of Columbia...

-- Can U. Imagine (makeitgo@way.please), February 25, 2000.

C'mon, guys. I just got one child out of that unspeakable mess. My heart goes out to other parents who might be confronting the year and half I went through. By the way, I got an interesting report from the Armed Services Committee outlining how the military is being shortchanged by (us) our government. If anyone's child has to go, I don't want 'em going on a defective chopper or transport plane with a rifle that might misfire, transported on a ship with a leaky reactor and being on territories contaminiated with spent uranium shells. Not to mention that damned anthrax vaccine we've used on our own troops and the other goodies we've sold to our enemies that are being used against us. And then there are the other women who have children, will try to bear children or who are losing children in enemy countries to this stupid mess. Maybe it's Lysistrata time.

-- mom (, February 25, 2000.

--that's the point, Mom. Don't let your kids become part of the NWO machine. They aren't defending the US, they are helping to divert the public from the kings scandals, and making international billionaires even richer. Sad but true facts. No one wants their son/ daughter.father/whatever hurt, conversely, those folks "over there" DON'T WANT THAT EITHER. They are human, too, they bleed and scream in pain, they don't like to be burnt to death or ripped to shreds by aerial cluster bombs, just to make these politicians look good and make the bankers and industrialists richer. Just say NO. And it's not just our king who does it, but he's the one and this is the country and the time frame reality we are in now. Get your child out until such a time as our military goes back to what it's supposed to do, protect the continental United States. And there's nothing un-patriotic about that stance, either. Nothing.

-- weshouldn't (keepmaking@thesame.mistakes), February 25, 2000.

Check out this story about charlie trie and high level bureaucrats in this administration. Should make you scared and mad.

-- ohboy (let'sgivethechinese@everythingtheyneed.toconquer), February 25, 2000.

Headline in the Greenville News today----"Clinton plans to reinforce troops in Kosovo". It will take about 8 days or so to get the media inflamed about this.....that ought to be about right for Charlie Trie's testimony.

-- Lobo (, February 25, 2000.

Want to know what the headlines will be?

"China invades Taiwan, US boycotts Chinese goods"


-- TECH32 (TECH32@NOMAIL.CON), February 26, 2000.

Nah. Clinton wouldn't boycott Chinese goods if they nuked Seattle.

-- rebel (with@ina.cause), February 26, 2000.

Why shouldn't we boycott chinese goods! Well, I guess other than the fact that 95% of the stuff on store shelves says "made in china". Take a look around at the labels the next time you are in a computer store, computer parts store, or even wallyworld or the big K, seems like almost everything comes from china.

Have the nasty feeling the US isn't going to come out on top in this one.

-- suzy (, February 26, 2000.

The boycott would be in leu of actual military involvement. This is an election year and going to war with China would be politically devestating for both parties.


-- TECH32 (TECH32@NOMAIL.CON), February 26, 2000.

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