Re-Runs?? : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
Hi Everyone, I was just wondering if anyone knew when there will be a new episode on!? I cant wait that long, but hopefully watching the re-runs will let me be able to see Lucy again. Thanks Everyone
-- Jess (, February 25, 2000
Today on Rosie, Juliana Marguiles said she has 5 more episodes of shows to shoot. Her final epi will be in May so I am thinking we may have to go all of March and part of April with reruns! Bummer!
-- amanda (, February 25, 2000.
I don't think the shooting schedule necessarily coincides with what's already done...I think last night was either Episode # 13 or 14 (???) for this season, so we have eight or nine to go...say 1-2 new ones in March, 1-2 new ones in April, and four for May sweeps... My count may be off, but I can't imagine almost two months of reruns during the regular season...
-- Dru (, February 25, 2000.
Well, if you watched Rosie, you will notice that Carter is all dressed up in a lab coat and whatnot, so obviously the ep they are currently shooting has Carter back at work, so I would imagine they have a few eps already shot and ready to go. And Rosie talked about the stabbing ep 'from last week' so it looks like this back stage at ER was filmed recently. My guess is that the repeats will be for 2, maybe 3 weeks. I hope that's the case anyway.Phantom
-- Phantom (, February 25, 2000.
I'd venture the same guess as somebody above, two new episodes in March, two in April, and three to four in May. They shoot in advance, as most if not all shows do, which explains why they will finish the season in five more episodes (I'm assuming JM leaves during or ending the final episode of the season).Anyhow, I'm just glad that, from the looks of it, we'll be seeing some of Tess & Kate in the future!! Also, the prospect of a George Clooney return looks hopeful. :-) At least not completely ruled out.
-- Leigh (, February 25, 2000.
If they followed the way that scheduled the episodes the last few years. We should get another new episode towards the end of March (23?) one a couple weeks later towards the beginning of April, and then the final 3 or starting the last week in April.
-- Emma (, February 26, 2000.