Continuing Loss of USA Sovereignty : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

An appellate body of the World Trade Organization has ruled that the United States must scrap a law that lets companies avoid paying taxes on some overseas sales: New York Times.

If that's not a loss of our sovereignty I don't know what is. Why not let your elected politicians know what you think about that? (Sorry for no link, found this item on a financial website today)

-- Al (, February 24, 2000


search for 'WTO' ...there are several reports on the subject

-- Another (, February 24, 2000.

Pays taxes to whom?

-- Hokie (, February 24, 2000.

Hey Hokie,

Thanks for clearing up that picture, dude! Now I see that evil sonofabitch! Must be time for my annual eye exam, I sure nuff didn't see it the first time...hehehehehehehe

Now then, concerning the topic at hand...I heard on the radio news today that the Pope was visiting Egypt, first time in history a Pope has been in Egypt. Mubarak (sp?) was yammering about it being a step towards a New "Vibrant" World Order.

Seems everybody wants to see a new world order. Well, except fer a few of us diehard bastards who enjoy this thing called freedom. What's wrong with the old world order?

Cmdr Don

-- Cmdr Don (, February 25, 2000.

Cmdr, not only that Muslims attended his Mass. Ahh..Sweet Mystery Babylon.

-- canthappen (, February 25, 2000.

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