Are ER Transcripts Available Anywhere? : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
Does anyone know if there are transcripts of ER episodes available anywhere? I am new to ERand am very happy for TNT's reruns (all of which are new to me). But I would love to be able to look over old transcripts too. Thanks.
-- Rosario Sindel (, February 24, 2000
I don't know about transcripts, but there are thorough summaries with commentaries for all shows at that is how I got caught up from seasons 1-2 on missed episodes. Hope that helps!
-- Bev (, February 24, 2000.
Here is a site for two season 4 episodes ("Something New", and "Friendly Fire") and the script for Jurassic Park (by Micheal Crichton):
-- Katie (, May 13, 2000.