KCA Board meeting, 2/23, what happened?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Kentlands : One Thread |
For any of you who were present, can you tell us what happened at last night's Board meeting? My areas of interest are: 1)any discussion of the recent resignations, and 2)the cost estimates for the capital improvements around the pool.
-- Bob Mauri (newurban@erols.com), February 24, 2000
There was another KCA Board meeting recently month which I was not able to attend. Did anyone here go to it? Would you be willing to give us a summary of the results?It is very frustrating to not have a community newspaper with local news and to have an "official" web site with information on what is happening in the community.
-- Tom Marchessault (tmarches@juno.com), August 21, 2000.