Does anybody else keep getting a wierd feeling that "it's not over" and something hard- i.e.doomy- will happen soon? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I would be considered a rational, intelligent, person. Good marriage, nice kids, that sort of thing. Expected maybe three months at most of shortages, but just to be real safe got 6 months of preps. Extra items from China too, if they went under for a year.

I can admit I was real wrong about the rollover. Expected much worse scenario abroad. Makes sense to be prepped for any disaster, and plan to try and rotate two months worth permanently, have extra wood and propane, etc. Wanted to think it's over and get on with life and forget about the dire scenarios.

Went to give the extra to a food bank and got an inner red flag-a "check" inside, just couldn't do it. Talked to two other families that feel the same way, like something ominous is ahead in the short run (we all have canned food/pasta preps, not those special ones that keep 15+ years) and they also are just waiting.

I even get the words in my mind "it is going to be hard"....try and tell myself I'm decieved, but can't shake it. Try to tell myself maybe we'll run into some poor person who needs the food and that's why I'm feeling like I should hold onto it. But it's that same ominous gut feeling from before the rollover that something is going to happen and shake this country to the it judgement, collapse, whatever. Something soon, within the year.

Is this happening to anybody else? And no, I have no history of mental illness or hearing wierd voices or psychiatric breakdowns. Just curious if any others are the same way.

-- Am (, February 23, 2000


Well, I looked at all my carefully sealed boxes this morning, and was about to open some of them and restock my shelves before going to the market, and just stopped cold. That still small voice inside was saying, "just wait a little longer", and from the sound if it, I have a lot more stored than you do.

But, I really hope I am being a nervous nellie. I am so glad nothing happened, and I hope nothing does, but I hesitate to get into our preps.

-- housemouse (, February 23, 2000.

Wish I didn't...but I do feel the same way. No mental illness history on my part either!! Maybe it's only illfounded "wishful" thinking so we'll have an opportunity to use all this stuff?? Although that WOULD be crazy, huh?

-- Jax (, February 23, 2000.

No, you are not the only one. I am also sitting on my preps and enduring the ridicule from the sheeple. Too many strange things happening to call a ALL CLEAR.

-- arygnon (Listento@innerfeel.ings), February 23, 2000.

You are not alone. I'm not sure about the feelings. Don't know if it's just left over from pre-rollover doomer mindset or if it's real. But I'm keeping my stuff. I'd planned to all along. Anything can happen so being prepped is always a good idea. Use and rotate.

-- (, February 23, 2000.

I don't know AM, that's a tough one to answer. Let me go back outside and count all the damn Chem-Trails "THEY" have been spraying all day over Atlanta and think about it a little.

-- ~***~ (~***~@earth.ebe), February 23, 2000.

No, don't feel alone. I was advised by my son to share the "extras" ie, give to the food bank. Can't do it. Went to the store today, filled up on the way back. Fuel up over 6 cents in less than 2 days. Wonder why, also, were/are we right? Lucky@OR

-- Lucky in Oregon (Lucky@peak.orgl), February 23, 2000.

I've been itching to post a question like this myself.

Your "inner warner" is a lightweight compared to mine! Underneath a deep but still superficial layer of personal humiliation over how I look to my friends and acquaintances "post-rollover" not only am I unable to undo any preps, but I am finding that EVERYTHING ELSE BUT PREPS in my circumstances is being deftly undone and unwoven -- unravelled -- as if (in a weird weird way) my entire pre-rollover persona (as a professional; as a responsible citizen; as a breadwinnner) was being unmade. Collapse seems to haunt my every move .... EXCEPT in the preps, which have been so far extraordinarily successful: down to the new well with manual pump; pressure tank; wood-fired hot-water heaters; concelaled propane tanks; propane/kerosene freezeer ... you name it. Set for DOOMSDAY? You bet. Able anymore to cash a $5 check at the local supermarket? Sorry. Systems disabled.

Before Rollover, my apprehension of the possibilities of Y2K remained at a two-dimensional picture level: a box out there, in which I coud rearrange the elements. In the last two weeks, I feel Y2K has come upon us, and I am immersed already -- at least up to my ankles -- in the first waves of treadful, terrible and horrifying CHANGE that is coming. A thousand times worse than imagining ......


That anyway is my sense, for what it's worth.

-- Squirrel Hunter (nuts@upina.cellrelaytower), February 23, 2000.

Yes! I feel the same way. I have for a couple of years now (before I heard about Y2K). It know it sounds a bit nutty, but I feel it in the pit of my stomach. It's just that things don't happen over night. I feel like there is a cancer growing and growing. We are totally dependant on computers and there are people all over the world who can bring us down with a few keystrokes. Also, I see how so many governments hate us. Then, of course, there is the stock market and our appalling greed. Doesn't look to me like we have a prayer. (Or,I should say that's all we have)

-- jeileen (, February 23, 2000.

The preps are security. You have that security now. Why get rid of it? Rotate through your stores. Keep the security. You already paid the up front cost. It cost you nothing more than the normal grocery buget to keep a buffer against anything that life throws at you.

As for something going to happen, I don't know. I'm still wondering if it's happening now. Where do you get that kind of information though? I have seen some Y2K errors. Are enough happening to drag down the economy? Who knows. All I have learned is that this open society isn't as open as people would have you believe.

Watch six and keep your...

-- eyes_open (best@wishes.2all), February 23, 2000.

We ate almost all our preps, and drank almost all our water. There's maybe two weeks of stuff left in the basement...mainly things we just don't feel like eating. The Dinty Moores..the SpagettiO's. Those can sit down there forever, for all I care. We feasted on Canned Hams and Rice for dinner, Tuna and crackers for lunch, Powdered Eggs and Pancakes with butter sauce and syrup for breakfast, and for dessert I baked up cookies with all the flour and sugar. It went fast...!! (And we were happy to have it with me being out of work)

Do I feel a foreboding...a need to hang onto my preps. Obviously not. At the moment, I feel only positive things for my personal future. I've had to learn to stop worrying about the rest of the world. However, if I ever feel that feeling again, I would have no reservations about stocking up again. Only this time, without the Dinty Moores...nasty!

-- kritter (, February 23, 2000.

There's a reason God gave you that little voice that's apparently whispering in your ear. If you're not comfortable unprepping yet, don't do it. You've already paid the price, and it's not like there's a big aftermarket for this stuff. Do it when you feel it's right -- and not one minute before.

-- I'm Here, I'm There (I'm Everywhere@so.beware), February 23, 2000.

Squirrel Hunter- Thanks to you and everyone else so far. I have occasional moments, unlike your constant and steady conviction, where an agonizing scenario pushes aside my mind focused on the responsibilites life, and the thoughts come to me that whatever is coming may be worse than the 30's depression; worse than even the scenarios I anticipated pre-y2K. I try and flares, plague, no gasoline, etc etc, but never have any sense of what is ahead other than "hard". Have felt led to begin buying years of clothes on clearance sales for my little girl to groe into, get some basic school books ( no, I don't home school). Wierd.

I don't think any of us can totally prepare....I am not saying not to do every thing you possibly can, but I just get this feeling that maybe we can not even fully prepare, and will have to just trust God because we can't prepare enough.

-- Am (, February 23, 2000.

I also have a gut feeling that something is wrong China and Russian ganging up together lately and criticizing every move of the United States and that Putin seems sneaky to me. Then this opec and this oil shortage something smell's fishy here are they all ganging up on us. Then this Chemtrail and this US Air Force coverup something is behind this there not spraying for nothing there's reasons. I just can't get myself to start using my prep's I have a GUT feeling to hold on just hold on.

-- Strange Feeling (, February 23, 2000.

Now is a great time to go over your Preps spread sheet and start rotating through those preps that have the shortest expiration date.

Use your preps like a huge pantry. When you use something, put it on your shopping list, and REPLACE it.

You will be able to keep your preps continually updated, also you can find what you really like, and phase out what you don't like.

I have already used my preps to get my family through 2 ice storms last month.

The US economy is in uncharted waters, never before have we had low unemployment coupled with nonexistant inflation. Totally artificial, can not last long. Also, China is a very real threat, much saber rattling over there now. They will move against Taiwan soon.

The US has become an island nation much like Great Britain during WW2. We are not self sufficient in energy, manufactured goods, and soon food....

Most of our supply lines pass within range of Chinese military forces, (and don't forget about the Sino-Panama Canal!)

Are we pesimists or realists? Keep your Preps.....

-- Tryn Tohelp (notsure@over.yet), February 23, 2000.


From the long list of poster I can see that you (and I) are not alone. The jeering of the pollies had begun to make me feel foolish, but I don't care anymore. Regardless of Y2K, whether it's a 2 or a 10, it makes sense to have extra things on hand.

I admit, I'm still in a semi-prepping mode. I can't pass up a bargain!

-- No Polly (, February 23, 2000.

In addition to that inner feeling, how about common sense. Yes, we made the move from back east to the mountains of Idaho. Yes, we spent over 6 digits on preps that would make gary north proud of us. (and I meant that as a compliment to him). We are of a more liberal bent but could not dismiss the current administration, Russsian and China and North Korea bragging about nukes pointed at USA, and etc and etc. Throw in the bubble market and the lack of social manners and american attitude and so forth, we would have prepared anyway. Y2K was just the trigger point to motivate us. Humiliation for the moment with scores of relatives and friends, but, at some point it will happen: economic crash, war, who knows what else. We at least in this family have learned to depend on each other and draw closer to each other and observe and pay more detailed attention to what is going on around us and in the world. Thanks for the post, I sure needed to hear what all of you said.

-- Paul of Idaho (, February 23, 2000.

Even Noah didn't know what was coming. But he never doubted the message to prepare. (And he put up with a LOT of humiliation) Folks in my community are using the time to fill out the items they missed. Gardens are going in, projects getting finished up and NO ONE believing that trouble isn't on the horizon. There will be two kinds of people when things get tough -- assets and liabilities. Those who are prepared will be assets to the church, ready to share food, water and the Word of God. Those who aren't well... RK

-- RK Mount (, February 23, 2000.

I feel the same way; no freedom to use much of anything yet; in the wating mode, tho I don't know for what...

-- a. Baird (, February 23, 2000.

No! Yer not alone! I have never in my entire life felt as strongly about anything as I did about trying to prepare for some unforeseen hassle. Funny thing is that I am divorced with grown kids, and my preps were in essence made to cover a lot of other people, family and friends. I didn't and don't want things to go awry, but I can't shake the gut feeling that we're in for some nasties. I HAVE given some stuff to others and will continue to help those that can use it, inasmuch as the supply lines haven't yet dried up and I can replenish the stocks. lol. Hang tite folks......sorry to say, I believe that we are in for some troubled times.......and rest assured, I too am not a nut and don't subscribe to any religious shtuff either! Love the site!!!..........Pat

-- Pat (Nope! Not Alone!, February 23, 2000.

My Dad's family went from really wealthy to poor during the Depression. I swore that I would maintain my lifestyle and life no matter what. My wife and I can live normally no matter what with our preps.

There are too many things going on right now from the stock market to politics to relax. My gut feeling is that bad things are in the wind.


-- Todd Detzel (, February 23, 2000.

If you had a shortwave radio, you could tune in and hear many people trying to express their concerns about the future. Many have dreams/nightmares or visions. One woman said (in her dream) she was surrounded by people saying, "Why didn't you tell us?" Well, of course, a lot of people tried to tell them that hard times were coming prior to year-end, but they aren't listening, and most certainly aren't listening now. But there is a foreboding, shared by many people that some event is coming which will affect us all.

A short study of our current economic conditions will show that our economy is propped up on toothpicks about to crash: debt is at an astronomical high, then there are the hedge funds, plus the knowledge that TPTB can pull the props out anytime they want. The Chinese are threatening us weekly. The U.N. crowd wants to reduce the population of the U.S. to 100 million, because we are harming the environment and consuming too much. Bill Clinton is trying to implement all the U.N. agendas thru law or executive orders. They may choose to starve us out by shutting down the farmers. Who knows? I think a great distrust of the government is part of the fear factor, with good reason. Keep and replenish your preps; we are.

-- Y2kObserver (, February 23, 2000.

Wishful, I am "Am" 's husband. I've known her well for 20 years. I also have a degree in psychology and some professional counseling experience. You are wrong, dead wrong. If it makes you feel better about yourself to believe that everyone who thinks Y2K may not be over suffers from delusions of grandeur, enjoy yourself. But you're wrong in this case.

-- Husband (, February 23, 2000.

Still going flat out.
1) Goats(Dairy and Meat)
2) Chickens (Egg and Meat)
3) Ducks (Egg and Meat)
4) Geese (Egg and Meat)
5) Cows (Milk and Meat)
6) Dogs (Guardian type)
7) Bees (Honey and Improved plant pollination)
Clearing 88 more acres for crop production.
Developing spring for Hydro Ram pump (~ 4 Gal minute)
Cleaning old well for possible windmill pump.

I want to be able to provide food for as many others as I can in the time I've been given. This is a silly project when you look only at the economic potential, food commodities are at 20 year lows. The stock market could increase my money if I didn't waste it on farm improvements.

-- Possible Impact (, February 23, 2000.

A lot of people feel the same way. Although I have thinned out my preps slightly, my basic long term stash remains untouched at 60 days, including water rations.

I will not be called paranoid simply because it is all too easy to see the unstable and uncertain nature of the world. Bill Clinton's economy is a soap bubble headed for a pin, Russia and China appear to be ganging up on us and we are still hostages to a bunch of camel drivers for our energy supplies. Worse still, the most dangerous man since Bobby Kennedy is gaining serious momentum in the Presidential campaign (McCain).

Sorry, but I'm staying prepped. The effluvia is going to hit the fan sooner rather than later and I want to give myself at least some chance and hope of surviving.

-- Irving (, February 23, 2000.

I don't think it's going to be as bad as what I anticiated, but I think stuff is still on the way--bad for some who aren't prepared. More like the depression thing than the end of all. Stay prepped? Why of course.

-- Mara (, February 23, 2000.

I'm afraid you're at the wrong place to find someone to confirm that you are not having a mental illness attack.

-- jumpoff joe a.k.a. Al K. Lloyd (, February 23, 2000.

Stay prepped, rotate your stock. Common sense:-). And don't go on airplanes.

-- Me Too (, February 23, 2000.

kritter--you made me laugh. just thank god it wasn't a bad one aat the rollover because we are talking the 2nd month of the year and YOU ALREADY ATE YOUR FOOD!!! you would be starving in a month if things had been really bad. get some more food boy.

i am still figuring out "did i mishear god or what?" however, i am looking around seeing all the "non-y2k glitches" and it totally blows me away!!! so much happening and the stock market keeps sliding down, down, down. i actually heard a news report saying that OPEC may consider increasing production to avoid a worldwide recession. hmmmmmm....... if they can.

i still have my preps and will actually go and freshen them up and replace what i have used thus far. it is so awesome to NOT have to go to the store much.

-- tt (, February 23, 2000.

tt...I can laugh now, but in December of 99, I was very nervous about not having enough. I envyed everyone who was prepared for a year.

We did the "slow and steady" route... buying 2 cans here and 2 boxes there, and at the end of the year, two months worth food and water for a family of four was all that we had. My husband felt we only needed enough to get over the hump, and that from that point on we could hunt and fish (not unreasonable in my area).

We were both fence sitters, he on the more doomy side than myself.. but we spent a great deal of time justifying ever purchase we made for y2k...should it be a non-event. A hunting rifle, an extra cord of wood, a cast iron pot...that's about all that got thru. No question about it...if this had been an actual would have been very difficult for us. I'm glad it didn't turn out that way.

-- kritter (, February 23, 2000.

You got so many answers but let me add mine anyhow. I wouldn't consider getting of my Y2K prep stuff. We used some of the laundry detergent but that's all-still got everything else. Hang in there. Eagle

-- eagle (, February 23, 2000.

That "Inner Voice" will never steer you wrong. Something evil this way comes - I'm still ready and waiting. Rotating and adding supplies. Best wishes to all of you. You're not wigging - just heaven blessed.

-- turkeylurkey (, February 23, 2000.

I was always dual-minded about y2k which made prepping hard, purely from a y2k point-of-view. My intuition was that prepping was right, but that somehow y2k did not fully justify it. I did it anyhow. With four kids, I couldn't afford to be wrong.

My belief is strictly a matter of intuition. I believe that God used y2k to get my attention. I believe that "something" is coming down the pike. It isn't nice. When it hits, "it" won't be comfortable. I don't know what "it" is. I do NOT believe that my preps would EVER be able to enable us to maintain our status quo. I believe that kind of prepping is beyond my ability, regardless of how much money I could spend. My faith is NOT in my preps.

Since rollover, we have drawn down some of the stocks - some water in jugs (in the way of the clothes washer), a little food. I drained the 200 gal. water bag on the porch (in the way). I have no intention of dropping down to "zero" on the non-perishables, the remaining water in barrels, the wheat, etc. We did overbuy on weapons and have sold off a few to simplify. That's it. No way we're going to sell the "non-papered" rock-chunkers. Period.

I don't know how this stuff is going to be useful- but it is. It's not going to keep things "the way they always have been." I am certain they will provide some flexability. I don't have to know how, exactly, today. That's not my business. I do expect God will tell me what I need to know, when I need to know it.

... . . . . . . . .

-- Magnolia (, February 23, 2000.

Have had the nagging little feeling that something major is headed down the pike. Havent been able to get rid of one extra thing, and I am not sure why. Am not generally paranoid, have a great life, wonderful hubby, job, etc., but just have a bad feeling that something is eminent and I can't figure out what.

Don't know what I would do without the many neat people here, who are open minded enough to talk about these things.

I can live with my paranoia a lot better than I can live with hunger!

-- suzy (, February 23, 2000.

We starting dipping into our preps in mid January. I was quite happy for a time to see this stuff was not going to waste. The problem is, I have been a slacker about replacing it all. For weeks I have spent literally hours on the phone straightening out problems with insurance, misc. bills, missing magazines, you name it. I am starting to think it is more than coincidence all these things are going wrong. As for the world situation, it seems truly scary. No, I do not think we prepped without reason. See ya at Sam's!

-- Gia (, February 23, 2000.

Everyone has stolen my thunder with their replies, but I am simply adding my two cents worth that I feel the same. I've been ready, was ready, and gonna stay ready. Just the old gut feeling that anything could happen at any time. Been using some of the older items, rotating with newer purchases.

From all that I read the entire world is a powder keg, and anything could light the fuze. People are being nipped with minor glitches constantly, all over the country.

I'll just continue sitting tight. Doesn't cost me a dime.

-- Richard (, February 23, 2000.

i'll submit a longer answer later, but almost 30 years ago i had some terrible gloom about the end of the century - and i used to have an awful lot of "psychic" stuff happen back then. Anyway, here is part of a post to Holly Deyo that I sent off today.

Hello Holly,

This site mentions 6 days of M class flares, and the possible link to a passing object. Do you and Stan think this is significant? Part of me thinks that something big is coming, I have prepared somewhat, certainly far more than most; and then the other part of me thinks that I have spent too much time being paranoid over the last couple of years.

Catastrophe fatigue I think. Anyway, let me know if you guys think this is significant. I know you are expecting something, but I don't know what time frame.

By the way, I think I am the first person (at least that I have heard of) to make the connection between between the present Pope and the prophecies of St. Malachy. St. Mal was an Irish monk born around the year 1094 A.D. He is credited with composing a symbolic list identifying all the one hundred and eleven Popes that he forsaw as holding the Holy See from 1143 on. Each Pope is represented by a symbolic name and cryptic tag in Latin. Not all of them have hit the mark of course, but several were right on. Several years ago, when I first read the list I couldn't make the tie in to the present Pope, and obviously neither could anyone else I read that mentioned St. Malachy. But now it is rather interesting, for those of us who have been following the actions of the Sun over the last few years. St. Malachy's Latin tag for the present Pope is "De Labore Solis" which means roughly, "something to do with the labour of the sun". Interesting, yes?



That was most of the letter. The sun IS hiccuping like never before. May mean nothing - who knows. But interesting, yes?

-- i like to worry (, February 23, 2000.

There have been a lot of excellent answers to this question. I liked Suzy's "I can live with paranoia a lot better than hunger". I have been accused of being paranoid, too, by a non-believer.

As many have noted, there are so many possible scenarios that we may be up against, in the next few months or years- I won't repeat them all, but one that presently concerns me is a possible drought and/or dustbowl, with an ensuing depression. A lot of people have commented how dry it is in their areas, for this time of year. Lake Michigan is way low....lower than in decades, around here.

Not to mention the possibility of severe inflation, the way the govt. is printing so much money....which would make our prices of just about everything go thru the roof.

I never used to be a doomer, before Y2K and reading Gary North, Hyatt, and this forum. Now, it's hard not to be. Don't get me wrong- I am so appreciative of being shown how to go about getting prepared, so that I now feel ready for most types of problems. There are always some scenarios for which we can never be prepared fully, but we can only do what we can and leave the rest up to the Man Upstairs.

-- Jo Ann (, February 23, 2000.

We spent about $100 less than Paul in Idaho. :) No regrets at all. The decision to sell the boat and motorhome to pay for the solar and wind system appears to have been a wise one. We still go fishing. We just walk down to any spot we want along our creek. There's no luxury tax on *that*.

-- Will continue (, February 23, 2000.

I've prepped. I'm staying prepped.

-- Fractal (, February 23, 2000.

I am watching gas prices. This could have a big impact. But maybe, it is a not a hugh problem, if all of us and the truckers will avoid the name brand places and drive 1/4 mile to another station. Where prices are cheaper. We can only serve to inform one another of where the Manna is. It is not the Service Stations located conveniently off the Interstate. The lower prices are at the Independent, located 1/4 or so miles down. Put yourself in the Truckers position, they are on a schedule. They cannot pursue the Internet. If there is any way, we can help them, while we sit in the comfort of our homes, it is our duty to do so. After all, it is only your families supper they are trucking. This is going to take an effort. Get up off the floor, and join in!

-- Aware (and, February 23, 2000.

I feel like a momma bear guarding her cubs when it comes to the preps, and the feeling gets stronger daily. It's not rational. I feel instructed. I wanna blow my dough on frivolous stuff, then that inner thought says "look up" and there they are spraying. Enough said, I am moved back to reality.

-- Hokie (, February 23, 2000.

...oh, and heaven forbid someone else in the household try to dig into the pantry ...that's when this wave of protectionism (the bear thing) comes outta no where. Anything item used must be replaced double. It is the ridiculous rule that governs this hoarding compulsion, heh.

-- Hokie (, February 23, 2000.

We are still staying prepped up here too! Gas went up again. $1.59 a gal for reg. now. Was $1.47 yesterday. We only have three stations in town and the closest town to us is 40 miles away so we are stuck between that rock and the other hard place. I have that same gut feeling you all do. We are moving on with our lives but it is to a safer house where we will be able to be more self sufficient. I for one am glad it didn't hit the fan in Jan. I hope it waits a month or two so we can get moved. My best advice.... keep the preps just rotate. We are.

-- (, February 23, 2000.

Being "prepared" is such a good feeling that I can't imagine ever being "unprepared" again! I'm rotating & replacing!! Also - I found a few flaws in my preps and I'm fine tuning.

Speaking of preps - a couple nights ago the power was out due to a non-y2k compliant tree so I had a chance to use some preps. One of the best things was one of those little lights that clip to your book. I hate trying to read by candle or lantern and that clip-on light was perfect!

-- Carolyn (, February 23, 2000.

Hey Carolyn-good tip! never thought of that, but lost electric twice before the rollover. Oil lamps are bright, but your idea sounds safer for reading in bed.

-- lynnie (still@prepping.away), February 23, 2000.

This is amazing! My husband has been nattering away like this for months now. "It's not over....the millenium doesn't start until 2001." Just a feeling in the pit of his stomach. Just like you folks. A sense of historical repeat, like another Great Depression. What strikes me is that in Jungian philosophy, and in Depok Chopra's thinking, we humans are linked by some greater, more collective, cosmic process. It is like you can find the great archetypical stories, or even fairy tales, all over the globe. So when so many folks, even those who are regulars to this board and may have a "mind set" have similar "gut" feelings, I think it is something to note.

Log the preps, log in, log out, and replace as needed. And finish the projects that were on the list, but did not get done.

OH..and I have to tell you all this: As part of our prepping process, about eighteen months ago, we made a big list on a chalkboard, and used it for about six months, marking things off, and adding more projects. We kept it on a tripod in the big room. At some point, something else was put in front of it on the same tripod, a big canvas painting. Last week, no particular reason, he moved the canvas painting away, revealing the chart, which we had fogotten about. I came into the room, noticed it, and noticed that the DATE on the chart was exactly one year ago to the day, in 1999. It was almost as though we were being told: here's the rest of your list, get busy.

-- Mary (, February 23, 2000.

My dear Am,

At the risk of being repetitive (really repetitive). I must add my "feelings" also. Please both retain and further develope your preps. I believe that they will be needed.

At first, nearly eighteen months ago now, when I was presented with the subject of Y2K. I, being somewhat conversant in the subject of embedded systems ( having installed and calibrated no few of them myself), I responded that "it can't be so"... That TPTB would not have "allowed" it to happen.

My lady, who had told me about what was a growing Bru Ha Ha over the subject of two little numbers where causing. Immeadately she set upon me to get on the net! I had untill then considered the internet to be a grown up's toy. With no more usefullness than a computer game.

At lenth, after she and I went round and round about the internet....She took it upon herself to buy a webby (since I would not have used an expensive computer for, what I at the time considered, to be the equivlant to children's war games). (One of my sons had spent 3K on a computer back in 90' for just such a purpose).

I had, in the past asked the girl (secretary etc) to look up information for me, as I was in the business of "building the real world things" (not poking around in vertual reality). So I had never found a "need " to use a computer for internet purposes.

Now I found myself asking the office to mail me my address book. Which contained the names of my busiess assoiates and others I knew (who had almost to a person seen fit to include a e-mail address on their cards to me) I was in the process ( my lady's words for it) of coming out of the past, to the present.

Now my dear Am, by nature. I am an up front "I want the facts...Nothing but the facts please" person. I spent nearly 70 hours on the internet the first time I "went on line".

And at the end of the third day, I came away scared! Scared to death... Y2K, or what ever you wish to call it. Is first and last a "trigger" for all else that comes. Some called it a death by a thousand cuts. It isn't... It is a "trigger".

And the "trigger" is global in scope.

I could go on and on..But that would be boring to you. I can only say this..Once! A long time ago. I had to depend for my life on those feelings you have described. I AM having those same feelings; and those feelings are growing with each day that goes by now ( and I can't let myself relax untill after the presidential elections). There IS something blowing in the wind...I can't "see" what it is yet. But it is there and it's coming closer ever closer.

I am keeping the year's supplies. And rotating them as they are used (can for can). I could use the solar panels on my RV...Should it ( Y2K, War or Economic Collaspe) go down; or else I should go on a vacation. The static charger screen (s) are in their storage box for use if I need it.

But should it all blow over...I'll be ready for that also. Since being on the internet. I have become fasinated by the limitless amount of factual western historcal information to be had.

But at this point in time...I am still at infomagic's level. "Things ARE going to get rough.....

"As for me...I shall finish the Game"!


-- Shakey (in_a_bunker@forty.feet), February 24, 2000.

THIS IS an AWESOME thread! It also is amazing how God provides us with each other for encouragement! What is so eerie is that there are no arguements and namecalling on this thread; it is as if we are all standing alongside each other and witnessing the early stages of a momentous and earthshaking event.

Reading each reply simply reinforces what I sense as well. To be blindsided after prepping and then relaxing would be the most gut-wrenching experience I can think of (and ironic).

I continue to get the following thought: I am busy doing something extremely routine. I get a sudden realization something very, very bad has occurred. Then someone (wife, son, neighbor) calls me or shows up at the door and they are wide-eyed and shaking with fear.I cannot shake the feeling that whatever "has just occurred" is completely off the charts,--unthinkable.

It is priceless to act upon our faith and convictions without needing to have every answer to every question! I will end by saying: there's a storm you feel it?


-- (He Who) Rolls with Punches (, February 24, 2000.

This thread is really long and I appolgize that I haven't read all that is here before making comment... BUT>>> AM (, I can remember well the many times I prepared for combat missions... and many times nothing happened and when the next time came up to go out...there always was a certain inkling to not prepare as much as I was told to do just because the last time and time before that and the time before that, NOTHING HAPPENED!!!! So why? should I be prepared? AM, I am alive today, because of 18 years of practicing preparedness... more than once I prepared and knew that it was coming but just didn't know when and so I never let my guard down...

and neither should any of us who have developed something special like the founders of this once great Republic... don't listen to the lazy - weak-hearted liberals who are complaining because they are not prepared and by finding fault in someone else makes them look and feel's a sickness that thrives in America now... it is the illness of complacency and tolerance ...

-- SB Ryan G III (, February 24, 2000.

This may end up being a very long thread and I must say thank you for starting it because the need to vent these negative thoughts has been with me awhile. I've never been so in tune with my instinctual little voice as I am now and hopefully it will get stronger and stronger. My whole world flipped upside down over the past few years and try as I might I can't pick up the pieces. The fast paced lifestyle I was accustomed to came to a break neck stop. Something told me to simplify my life as quickly as possible and it's still telling me that. I've ran a successful business for over 25 years and dealing with the people that I do day in and day out I know that many people feel something is in the air. Just what.. who knows? I found this site stimulating anyway... stay prepped!

-- still alert (, February 24, 2000.

Am- thanks for starting this thread. i have an elderly mother, a significant other, 3 kids & their significant others, and 2 grandkids. i feel responsibility dictates insurance (preps) for our well-being. we have well over a year's preps and we will ALWAYS have over a year's preps. .gov and the leftist press have done an admirable job of hiding problems from the sheeple. so sad. klintoon has made america hated by so many. if nothing else, the preps give me serenity and peace of mind. well worth the cost. thank you to ed and gary north.

-- gary s. (, February 24, 2000.

We are still filling in holes.

BTW SHAKEY: Drop me an e-??? I have some questions on the static charger screens. Technology etc.


Yep ,not gone just backed away, the e-mail still works

-- Chuck, a night driver (, February 24, 2000.

When I was eight years old, I buried all my money (60 cents in dimes) in a mason jar, so no matter what else happened, I'd have something safe and secret, for use in an emergency (thought I was certainly not able to articulate it so clearly at the time).

I've been prepping for something nasty on and off ever since. I read Howard Ruff and Harry Browne, bought gold and silver, invested in rock chuckers, researched retreats, etc., etc. I've been at this for a LONG time. Y2K got me back in gear again, moving me from thinking and dreaming to actually doing something after having been quiescent for a long time.

I must note, however, that I believe that this behavior is neurotic, and not necessarily adaptive. I am all grown up now, and have come to realize that much of my behavior is a consequence of a difficult, dysfunctional childhood, and that at least some may be genetic ("it's in the blood").

A lot of time spent worrying about the future could have been better spent enjoying and experiencing the present; a lot of energy spent trying to protect what I have could have been better spent making it grow (I'm not just talking money here, get it?).

On the other hand, while it's true the money I put into gold at $200, and failed to take out at $800, could have been better deployed in the stock market . . . it also wasn't spent on silly unnecessary STUFF. I'm not the prisoner of a huge mortgage, I don't feel compelled to buy a new car every two years, I don't feel deprived without $200 dinnersand the credit card debt that goes with them.

So, am I still prepping? Yeah. Bad stuff happens, and for all that the prophets of doom I listened to for twenty years were wrong, even a stopped clock is accurate twice a day.

What's my point? Well, it's that I'm crazy, in a relatively benign way, and I recognize that fact. That last phrase is the kicker. The society we live in is crazy, too, and I have no desire to give my self up to debt and anxiety, dissipation and regret. BUT, we must always be careful that our lives not leak away while we spend time trying to preserve them. Prepare, by all means; but when you wake up in the morning and the sun is shining, take time to walk out and greet it. Prepping is at most a means

-- zardoz (yeah@me.too), February 24, 2000.

to an end: LIVE.


-- zardoz (, February 24, 2000.


Well said. We have lot in common, I realized during the "bad 70's" that live is worth living. I luckily have more than I need and can afford things I want. Not on credit. I worked damn hard for the money and don't feel guilty spending SOME of it on pleasure.

You can prepare for bad and still enjoy the good. Also see the good in this world and not always the bad. It's called having a life.

But, I'm still upset that my fellow Masons' have not let me in on how we are going to rule the world.

-- Chief (, February 24, 2000.

Seeing the responses in this thread is very heartening. Lots of folks not allowing themselves to become disillusioned and abandoning their preparedness programs.

For myself, I don't know if anything seriously bad is going to happen in the next year or not. There do seem to be a number of potential situations that could turn into something that would directly affect me but at the moment they haven't done so and may not ever do so.

Having said that, at the same time I also know that I can't any more predict with any certainty what the future will bring than anyone else here (we sane ones, anyway). It's that very uncertainty is why a preparedness program is a good thing to have. Somethings like Y2K you can see coming from a long way off and have time to prepare against them or at least get out of the way. Other things, earthquakes for example, happen when they happen and often with no warning at all. When terra suddenly stops being firma you'll either be prepared or you won't be. No time to run down to the store, no time to mail order anything, even with overnight express.

Keep your preparedness programs, rotate your perishables and stay ready. Perhaps you might adjust the length of time your program will cover to suit the scenarios you forsee but for God's sake don't abandon them.


The Providence Cooperative - free preparedness & survivalism FAQ's

-- A.T. Hagan (, February 24, 2000.


When I was about 8 years old, I remember being in Sunday school and hearing the Sister talk about the 2nd coming of Christ. I remember the thrill that came over me when I heard this and I knew, KNEW WITH CERTAINTY, that I would be part of that event.

Although I have drifted away from the RC Church, I have never been in doubt that we are living in the times described in The Revelation to St. John. Y2K for me was more of a wake-up that what I had always believed was finally now beginning.

It's so good to hear that so many of us have that unshakeable feeling that something, some great and profound change, is imminent. Be prepped, keep your "inner ears" open and believe that the true Master of the Universe is in control. He needs us to be prepared to help take care of our siblings who are wasting their time at the fair. When the ride is over, we will be called to help show them the way home.


-- Jimmy Splinters (, February 24, 2000.

This thread is good for the soul!

Gave boxes of food away to 2 families whose breadwinners were out of work, since those foods had some fast approaching expiration dates and we wished someone would enjoy them right away.

However when the thought of giving away the rest (which is quite considerable and is processed to last for years) hit, I instinctively KNEW not to proceed. To hold on to it and to sit tight.

Last year, went to a community Y2K meeting at a local church and never have left. Why? The people were so ALIVE and loving. My faith is now 10 times stronger, my mind and heart are no longer on material stuff like it once was, and my friends are so different from when all I thought about was where I'd clothes-shop next. Now I rarely go into a mall and then it is in and out. My friends are a different caliber now.

Why was my whole life changed? I have no earthly idea, but I think it is all for a reason which will become clearer as time goes on. Until I find out, I will continue on my new "road". I like it a lot.

Oh. Yes. I will never be unprepped again.


-- Maureen (Maureenlo@peace.con), February 24, 2000.

I have the same flip-flop feelings about this. On one hand, the world does seem to have failed to come to an end. On the other hand, I keep getting feelings that something will dramatically change life as we know it soon, and in a manner which many people won't be able to adapt to.

Perhaps there will be a major war, or global natural disaster, or public contact with an extraterrestrial species. Whatever the event, the result will be upheaval on a scale never seen in human history.

Civilization as we know it will shatter irreparably, leaving those who can handle adversity to construct a new way of life. Perhaps most people will survive the upheaval, but only a few will be able to function in the new mode effectively enough (initially) to keep some structure in their lives. These people will be looked to by those unable to function to provide leadership. As they are best suited to the new environment, they will end up forming the nucleus of the new social structure, and will be able to define the new "laws".

In fact, they may quite literally have to define new laws, if the environment has changed drastically enough that old laws no longer apply.

Certainly, some laws will be universal to a stable society, such as proscription of wanton destruction, and the establishment of some sort of authority. I once came across a theory that backs up what someone further up the thread mantioned: genetic predisposition. The theory tried to explain why some people have ADD, but it could be broadened to fit what I am getting at.

The theory explained that some people, who we describe as having ADD (not the current educational type, which is little more that individual initiative in many cases, but actual short attention span) had the purpose in a primitive tribe structure of preventing stagnation. These were the scouts who would get bored of sitting sround the village all day, or hunting in the same regions, and would explore beyond their tribes usual boundaries. The result of this was that they occasionally would come across better food sources, or a better location for the village. Thus the tribe would constantly, though slowly, improve its circumstances. These people would also do new and different things, thus stumbling across innovations which could lead to technology advancements or new food sources.

Perhaps those of us who have this feeling of impending crisis also serve a specialized, though somewhat archaic purpose. We would be the members of the tribe who prevented complacency, another skill critical to the survival of one's tribe. We would be the ones who would have sensed the earthquake before anyone else (when we were better attuned to nature), or sensed the tension in the neighboring tribe before they launched an attack to gain access to our cleaner water or better food source. We would make sure our tribe was ready.

Unfortunately, today's society is so huge, and has so much inertia, that our warnings go virtually unheeded. As such, we are relegated to contacting each other about it and lamenting to each other about how frustrating it is not to be able to fulfill what we subconsciously perceive to be our function. We don't say it that way, but I know I get frustrated by the total complacency I see around me. Anyway, just my $.02

Jes' Thinkin'...

-- Little Pig (, February 24, 2000.

My apologies for the text brick above. Apparently, the formatting didn't come through.

-- Little Pig (, February 24, 2000.

I too am feeling like something is coming and I can't shake it. At times I try to block it out but it is always there. We have used some of our preps, and some that I have given to my daughters they have used; but just yesterday felt I needed to buy and replace a couple of things we have used. I keep wondering about a vision my sister had (and she is not into visions or anything like that). She said the month was June or July and said she was at a gas station. People were all around her and very panicked but she was as peace and not afraid. She didn't know what had happened but something.

-- Emerald Green (, February 24, 2000.


Hang in there --- I'm about to post Round Two of 'An 11.5 Doomer looks at Y2K.' It doesn't directly deal with the theme on this thread (except obliquely in the latter part of the 3d paragraph from the end) -- but lately my right hemisphere has been nudging me :It's time to start a thread about 'foreboding.'" So maybe I'll do it in Round Three, or Four, but assuredly it'll be out there.

Early in the Y2K 'awareness cycle' a couple of us started a thread on the theme (on the old GN forum.) Turned up very interesting ideas, similar to what bubbled up on this threat.

Definitely time to do an update.

God Bless,


P.S. As someone else commented, it is interesting that there have been NO polly flames on this thread so far. Apropos, my upcoming Round Two looks at that issue in some detail. B.

-- William J. Schenker, MD (, February 24, 2000.

This is an excellent thread

I too have that "gut feeling" that very difficult times are in our near future, and that little voice keeps telling me to get that bug out bag together and near the front door.

These are very interesting times we live in and I believe those of us that are feeling this and acting on our intuiions are blessed.

Thank you all

Laurie in Idaho

-- Laurie in Idaho (, February 24, 2000.

I believe that some people are very in tune with their feelings, this is God talking to us. I too have this uncomfortable feeling that I can't shake. I keep telling hubby that something is coming down, what? who knows, but God helps those that help themselves, and I intend to listen!

-- (, February 24, 2000.

Complacency never got me anywhere.

-- Tim (, February 24, 2000.

The really major things I did to prep for y2k aren't the kinds of things I would use up or get rid of - a new roof, wood stove and wood insert, closing down my parents house and moving them in with me. So there is no angst about what to do about those things now.

I also sought to simplify my business life - I haven't used a credit card or gone to the bank since rollover. Ideally, I get to keep my job even if a recession hits, but I have the economic flexibility now to withstand a period of unemployment, let alone unexpected hits like the increase in heating fuel costs here in New England. I haven't had any personal accounting glitches to deal with, and I think part of that may be because I did what I could to minimize my exposure.

As far as consumables, I am currently working my way through my preps. Part of that was fulfilling my desire not to have to shop for much of anything during the stormy winter months. What a luxury it is to have several months of cat food and cat litter! I am attempting to use up those foods (or find homes for them) where I guessed wrong about what my elderly parents would be willing or able to eat. I see this as a period to reorganize what I am storing and how much. It's one thing to pile stuff up, quite a number to have a system for rotation.

Eventually I will start to replace items. I feel fairly relaxed that with my continuing vigilance on this forum and other sources that I will have forewarning about when to dash out to the local wholesaler to freshen up some of those piles. I have taken a break from watching sales, but I'll get back to that soon also, and stock up mightily on those items.

I don't really feel that much is coming, other than maybe a recession or price increases to reflect increased in diesel and gasoline. However, I like being prepared, I'm mildly disappointed I haven't had the occasion to test my emergency preps (maybe lightning could strike just my house and spare the neighborhood?), and I never want to return to a JIT lifestyle. Spring is coming, my garden beckons, it simply isn't the time of year when I get bogged down with thoughts of gloom - plenty of time for that the rest of the year!

-- Brooks (, February 24, 2000.

As so many have already expressed, this is a welcome thread, because one otherwise wonders if she is alone in this sense of something still coming our way that will require preps and a prep minset and lifestyle. I haven't been able to replace the few preps I've used yet, since it will take several months to eliminate the debt from having bought food and supplies up front, but am using them very carefully. As well expressed by many of you, I think that God is giving a number of people this premonition, or intuition, or sense of foreboding, in order to have them be prepared. I always thought it would be about more than two digits, and would be a number of societal breakdowns or a serious disruption such as acts of terrorism, or even the start of another world war. I haven't known what it would be, in addition to Y2K, which wasn't even a bump but which I expected to be a really bad high-number scenario, but knew it was something more.

If I had the ability to do it financially, I would continue closing the holes in my preps, and would relocate to a safer locale. I keep wishing for a miracle to make that possible, and am happy that a good number of people have been able to do just that. T

The awakening of the possibility of breakdown for Y2K did something for me that I would never have done if I'd seen something afar off and not imminent: it made me focus totally, work feverishly, and do in a short period of time what would otherwise never have been as complete a project as it is. Thus, I am thankful for the impetus it gave to me to alter my lifestyle: I only wish it hadn't taken a little toll on my health in the process, and hurt my credit rating a bit.

It is great to know that others share this sense, but sad to know that it probably means we are still to face very hard times.

Another thing this has done for me is to change my entire worldview and awareness, and to change my reading material appreciably. It is like Rip Van Winkle awakening and seeing what is really going on in the world and our society. That isn't a pleasant awakening, but a very necessary one, for which I am grateful to all of you here who helped to alert me.

-- Elaine Seavey (, February 24, 2000.

I first saw a reference to "Y2K" about 4 years ago. Since that first awareness, we have done something incomprehensible, but, I believe, in obedience. We lived on a hobby farm which we were fixing up to sell. We decided to test the market, so we put it up for sale. "If it doesn't sell in six months, we'll take it off the market and forget about it." Right. Five weeks later, it was sold, and we didn't have a place to move into.

What we have now is a small townhome, in a small rural town. The home is an "inside" unit in a row of four. This gives us two interior walls and only two exposed walls, for efficient insulation winter and summer. A blessing. At no point in this process did we question what we were doing, as both of us are of deep spiritual faith, and believe we don't do anything without the guidance of the Spirit.

Which brings me to preparing for Y2K and whatever else may be in the offing for us. When the urge to prepare "struck," we both immediately went into action. He was a GI from the first article on Y2K that I printed for him to read. We purchased everything we could store in this house, its garage, and even a storage unit across the road from us. We have used none of the preps but some toilet paper. I'm already making up a list for my next trip to Sam's.

I agree with "Am" and admit to a strong feeling/premonition that we are not out of the woods, by any means. I stay on the Y2K lists to keep up with what is news there. There is a certain amount of distraction, but I can still sense the undercurrent of anticipation, if you will, in most of the participants on the lists. None of us is willing to stand down, and most of us are even adding to and refining our preparations. I don't know what to expect, nobody does, but whatever it is, the preparations we have made will help not only ourselves, but others.

-- Liz (, February 24, 2000.

Our great grandparents would never have come home from town with just a five pound bag of any food staple. They knew it might be a while before they could buy more or be able to get to town again. Buying in bulk is very smart both economically as well as in being prepapred for any troubled times that may come. We have all come so far in being real thinkers again and we need to keep growing. Even as I write this many countries are having their basic rights taken away and so many are going hungry or dying of thirst. I honestly do not feel they ever dreamed things would be so bad in their home nations today. I am saying that if it can happen to one country why not ours? Be safe not sorry! Keep your preps and rotate them. I am adding more every time I get the chance. What is the worst thing that can happen to a prepared person? Finding out you were given more time to get your stuff together and knowing you did not make haste! So everyone get with it while the getting is still good! I am never going to be unprepared again!

-- Angela Baxley (, February 25, 2000.

Added is a really good glitch site to look has great graphs and many wonderful links ....

-- Angela Baxley (, February 25, 2000.

Polly here.

I have to say that I, too, am simply amazed none of the usual flamers have shown up on this thread. That's why I've actually kept coming back to check on it...

But what finally caused me to respond was this statement...

"This thread is good for the soul!"

...because what I see here is a group of people with varying degrees of worry about the future reinforcing that feeling in one another. It doesn't seem healthy to me.

I guess my point is this - there have always been people who believe the future will be worse than the past, and there always will be. In the context of this millenium, some of them, within the course of their lifetimes, would have been correct in that belief, but I would say the vast majority of them were wrong.

So my questions are these... If you were to die tomorrow, would your life have been enriched in any way by wallowing in these dark forebodings you're feeling now? Are you really sure this is "good for the soul"?


-- the other RC (, February 25, 2000.


I read this forum every day, and rarely post. However, your question compels me to answer.

I lived in N. Dallas, was comfortable money wise, and could afford a few niceties - landscape service, pool service, lawn service, housekeeper on a weekly basis. I discovered y2k in May/June of 1999 from a Gary North radio re-broadcast, and have felt a sense of urgency to prepare every since.

I sold my house, my Lexus, lots of extras. Bought some acreage in the country, a truck, and lots of "preps."

After rollover, when "nothing" happened, there were discussions at church of getting rid of everything since we wouldn't need it now. I CANNOT do that. That same voice is in the back of my head, too. I definitely feel that "something wicked this way comes" but don't know the form it will take.

Watching Glitch Central (and lots of other sites) every day confirms what I feel - that once again the govt. is telling us only what it thinks we need to know, and that is nothing! I fear for the majority of Americans who don't even know what they don't know.

I will continue to prepare, rotate, and fill in the holes that I didn't have the time to do before Jan. Thank God for a "grace period" to finish whatever there is left to do that I can afford.

Thanks for starting the thread -- I feel much better now knowing that there are lots of us who are continuing to prepare, although not enough of us. God Bless Us All.


-- Kathy (, February 25, 2000.

My aunt sent me the link to this thread. I am 18, the oldest of 7 kids and my mom has prepared quite extensively for y2k. True, the actual y2k (as in 12:00 Jan. 1st) was no big deal, but my mom and aunt are still holing onto their supplies. Like the rest of you, they feel something more is coming. Personally, I am not saying anything either way. Gas prices are way up (here in PA, reg. gas is 1.40/gal., although they have fallen from the recent 1.60/gal.) Diesel is up too.. it is hard to know what to attribute to y2k, and what is just man's fallible systems and egos (ie: OPEC) getting in the way of real life. We will see, I am sure, who is right and who us wrong in this whole mess. Time will tell. But like I always say, it can't hurt to be prepared.

-- Sarahlie (iamwaiting@to.see), February 29, 2000.

You people are, without any doubt at all, totally nuts. Paranoid neurotics of the first order. In dire need of immediate psychiatric help - you can be helped, if you'll first admit that you really, honestly need some professional help. You're all a stone's throw away from full blown paranoid schizophrenia, and are already exhibiting the profound and undeniable clinical indications and symptoms of it. This is classic insipient mental illness, you know.

-- totally (bats_in_the@belfry.for.sure), October 07, 2001.

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