flashing red light on coolpix 800

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I just got my Nikon Coolix 800 last night. It's probably somewhere on the CD but I'm at work and all I have is the pocket guide. Anyway, what's the flashing red light next to the viewfinder mean? It comes on after I take a picture. The pictures come out fine. I don't remember it comming on last night. Thanks. Harlow

-- harlow blodgett (blodgett_harlow@marconidata.com), February 23, 2000


Like the 950, you're now ready to take the next picture, i.e., the system has spooled up again.

-- Ted Krohn (ted.krohn@FRA.DOT.Gov), March 01, 2000.

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