WANTED ; HOUSE TO RENTgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Does any one know of a 2 or 3 bedroom house in Ohio, in the country to rent under $300.00 a month with no deposit?
-- Carol Dotson (ww6884@dragonbbs.com), February 21, 2000
Hi Carol, I don't know anything about Ohio, sorry, have you considered looking for a position as caretakers of a property? I realize that your husband has health concerns, but I understand that there are many opportunities for occupying a small farmhouse on a large piece of property in rural areas just to "be there" for the owners..For example, a corporate-owned retreat that is only open a few times a year, yet the company would want someone living on the property to do light housekeeping, make sure pipes don't freeze, etc..also, summer camps who want folks on the property year round, and then have them help get cabins ready for the season.If you like the idea, type in "caretaker jobs" on a search engine and see more information. Hope that this is of some help....Good luck !!!
-- Lesley Chasko (martchas@gateway.net), February 22, 2000.
Look in the Meigs, Vinton and Galla county area. Rental, home and land prices seem very reasonable compared to the rest of the state. Of course there are very few jobs there.Go to the library, get a copy of the Sunday Times Sentinel from Promeroy, OH. This paper generally has half a dozen rental home that fit your needs.
Good Luck
-- Rich (pntbeldyk@wirefire.com), February 24, 2000.
Spread the word that you're looking for a place. Lots of owners prefer not to advertise, thats how I hooked up. Call real estate agents, often the landlord pays the listing fee. Put a notice up at school, church or the local market. Good luck!
-- Kathy (catfish@bestweb.net), February 26, 2000.
Hi , thanks for writing. Please visit our website at www.caretaker.org to learn more about THE CARETAKER GAZETTE and caretaking opportunities.I look forward to hearing back from you. Take care, Gary C. Dunn, Publisher THE CARETAKER GAZETTE PO Box 540 River Falls, WI 54022-0540 Phone: (715) 426-5500 caretaker@caretaker.org www.caretaker.org
-- Gary Dunn (caretaker@caretaker.org), July 21, 2001.