We need a country house for rent (cheap).greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hello everyone, We need a country house to rent in Ohio. (CHEAP). Do any of you know where any are or have one for rent? We can't pay a deposit. A two story house would be nice if there was one bedroom downstairs. My husband is on SSD. We can't move until Spring because my husband is disabled & can't do much in bad weather & also can't use stairs. A storage building that goes with it would be nice, but not nessary. Also we have two small house broken dogs that we keep inside. There is just my husband & myself, but I have sons that come to see us often & bring their families, so we need at least a two or three bedroom place. We live in town & hate it. We love the country, but it is hard for us to look for a place. If you know of a good clean place to rent, we will move anywhere in Ohio, if the rent is right. Thanks ever so much., Carol & Dick. ww6884@dragonbbs.com.
-- Carol Dotson (ww6884@dragonbbs.com), February 20, 2000
You might try checking with the nursing homes in your area or even long-term care. Mayhap some elderlies don't want to sell but would love to have someone care for their treasured homestead. I don't know of anyone who has tried this, but it seems to make sense. Good Luck! g
-- Gailann Schrader (gtschrader@aol.com), March 23, 2000.
The family that was renting our house before we bought it had found the rental because the wife worked in a nursing home. She had formed a friendship with the family of the nursing home resident, but when the owner passed away the family sold the property. We know of others who are in this situation too. So you can see that it is a good way to find a place, but has it's downside, too. Good luck to you, though. Hope you find something!
-- Jean (schiszik@tbcnet.com), March 23, 2000.
We are looking for large home for cheap to rent in SW missouri...If anyone knows of any please contact us @ cool1@getgoin.net
-- Desiree' Cooley (cool1@getgoin.net), September 21, 2001.