Ontario, Canada: Truckers protest diesel prices

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Ontario, Canada: Truckers protest diesel prices

Independent truckers gathered in Oshawa today for the second straight week to demonstrate against the high price of diesel fuel and low mileage rates, The Star's Stan Josey reports.

The truckers say their mileage rate - they are paid about a dollar a mile - hasn't increased in 10 years, while other costs have soared.

Diesel fuel in particular has risen in price recently and now costs from 66 to 69 cents a gallon at the pump. That's the same as gasoline, which historically has been more expensive than diesel.

Other costs have increased as well, including the trucks themselves, which have doubled in price in 10 years. About 100 trucks are expected at the rally, where the truckers will call for a cap on the price of diesel fuel.

Link http://www.thestar.com/editorial/updates/gta/200002210_118439.html

-- Carl Jenkins (Somewherepress@aol.com), February 20, 2000


That would be 66 to 69 cents per LITER (quart), NOT gallon....

-- Dennis (djolson@pressenter.com), February 20, 2000.

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