Are cheap cameras any good? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

From time to time, great deals pass me on the AOL site. Cameras for $199 and even $129. The dpi's are not too high but I don't envision using the camera all the time. Just for purposes of sending quicke family pictures to my loved ones oversees. Would it do any good to buy a cheap one and get some experience first? Who has bought in to one of those AOL deals?


-- RVHood (, February 19, 2000


You know the old saying You get what you pay for but you can get a great starter camera (Olympus D-340R) for about $250.


-- Tom C (, February 19, 2000.

You could take a look at Ebay's digtal camera section. Many of them post pictures and offer links of actual screen shots of the camea's abilities are. Just remember to deal with people with great feedback, fair shipping, great price and have a return policy.

I do agree with the statement that you do get what you pay for. You can have something that takes "fair to reasonable pictures for under $200.00. Just don't expect to have high quality pictures. I also would suggest atleast the Olympus D-340R for "pretty good pictures!".

-- Thien Robert Miller (, March 18, 2000.

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