SYSOP NOTE: "SYSOPS SAVE SAMPLE FOR AOL/DON'T DELETE"...Hey, Diane of the Dungheap! Are you about ready? ~NT~ : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread


-- (Ladylogic@.........), February 18, 2000


Response to Hey, Diane of the Dungheap! Are you about ready? ~NT~

Now I can see why everyone is so angry at you! Don't you have anything better to do with your time than harrass people? What do you get out of this?

-- Connie (, February 18, 2000.

Response to Hey, Diane of the Dungheap! Are you about ready? ~NT~

attention and something to fill that void in her self esteem. so she can't live without being right.

-- tt (, February 18, 2000.

Response to Hey, Diane of the Dungheap! Are you about ready? ~NT~

Please go away. No one wants to play with you anymore.

-- Just Curious (, February 18, 2000.

Now , NOW ! It's not nice to write ANY nasty things to the mentally challenged . Think of the blow to her ego ( it's also in limited supply ) . The dribble could get WORSE !! Eagle

-- Hal Walker (e999eagle@FREEWWWEB.COM), February 18, 2000.

Lady Logic, Please go play in the road. Preferably an eight lane superhighway.

-- crockadile dundee (, February 19, 2000.

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