Kiev: Yuzhnaya Reactor Shuts Down for Fourth Time in One Week : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Thursday, February 17, 2000

Kiev: Reactor Shuts Down


KIEV -- A reactor at Ukraine's Yuzhnaya atomic power plant was shut down after a malfunction Wednesday, nuclear officials said. It was the fourth unplanned reactor stoppage this week.

The plant's reactor No. 1 was stopped Wednesday for the second time in two days. The first shutdown was connected with a sudden pressure drop in the cooling system, while the second was due to a water leak, the state nuclear company said.

Also Wednesday, reactor No. 3 at Yuzhnaya temporarily reduced its output by 40 percentas its main pump malfunctioned, the company said.

-- Carl Jenkins (, February 17, 2000

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