IEEE1394 : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I use canon digital eos_d2000 camera now, usually I transport images from PCMCIA card through card reader, but it is supposed to be use IEEE1394 cable to reader images diretly when it connect with desk_top computer,because the high speed . when I try to use this cable,mostly trouble comes,maybe it arise the question of a driver,anybody give me some advice? thanks.

-- matthew (, February 15, 2000


If everything (camera, computer, reader) works with different set- ups, then you should check the cable. Is the cable the proper cable? It's not likely but some cables are pinned differently for special applications, your conductors would not go to the connecting pin you needed them to. Sometimes not all the pins/sockets are connected by conductors. You could have a broken pi/socket resulting in a connector or conductor problem. Does the cable work in other applications, that is, does it work if you are using it as a printer cable? Or, does another cable work and the first not? That could give you indications that the cable is possibly broken somehow. I'm asuming that you installed the various drivers that came with the camera, etc.

If the cable checks OK, then check with Canon, they may have a bug fix. There may also be a later driver. Seems odd with a new device but changes/corrections are made all the time. Does the computer recognize the camera? Are port selections/identifiers matched up?

Write down settings, checks you've made, software versions in use, etc. It will be handy to have available when working with a tech if you can't get solved yourself, especially if you are on your only phone line.

-- Craig Gillette (, February 15, 2000.

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