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Sorry to hear about both Patrick and Sonya.
-- Eileen and Paul Dougherty (, February 13, 2000
Why is Patrick leaving? Has he found a more interesting or better paying position, or rather has he been driven out by Kentlands electees or committee heads. I think the community will be poorer for his leaving. He is a good manager, always gets back to people, has a phenominal memory for details and is extremely tactful even if he does not agree with you.
-- Pat Reed (, February 14, 2000.
We have another resignation to add to the list of recent leavings. I've just heard the Activities Director Andrea Escher's last day is May 29. She's leaving to work for the City of Gaithersburg at City Hall. I'm sure her new position is higher-level and better-paying, but I still wonder why we can't seem to keep good people!!!!
-- Dee Aronson (, May 22, 2000.