Where to buy a canon S-10 digital camera in Canada???

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I've been doing some research on the canon S-10 digital camera and cannot seem to find a Canadian on line store for the above camera to purchase. Any suggestions.... Thanks for your input.


-- Norm de Wit (normdewit@hotmail.com), February 13, 2000


Try www.henrys.com Sincerely, John Laurence

-- JOHN R. LAURENCE (jrl67@hotmail.com), February 14, 2000.

I bought mine at Bureau Engros (I think it's staples outside of quebec). Futureshop also stocks it (though the one near my house was sold out). Both places had the camera (with the battery kit as well) for $999.

-- Gordon Ker (gker@hotmail.com), February 29, 2000.

I just bought one from Onvia.com for $898.44. Henrys in Toronto also carries it.

-- Patrick Cheng (patcheng@attcanada.net), March 06, 2000.

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