Sewer spill Oceanside CA : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

This second since 1st of the year. Break in main spills sewage into creek UNION-TRIBUNE February 12, 2000

OCEANSIDE -- A sewer main ruptured at the Buena Vista Pump Station early yesterday, sending 198,000 gallons of sewage into Buena Vista Creek in south Oceanside.

The broken main sent waste water under Buena Vista Creek to the San Luis Rey Wastewater Treatment Plant. The spill began at 3:20 a.m. and ended at 4:18 a.m. when city crews shut down the pump station and diverted flows to other lines, county Department of Environmental Health officials said. The creek feeds Buena Vista Lagoon and, ultimately, the Pacific Ocean about 2.5 miles west.

A contractor for the city of Oceanside is to replace 300 feet of the sewer main. Contamination warning signs have been posted along the creek, lagoon and 300 feet on each side of the lagoon outlet at the beach. They will remain in place until samples confirm the ocean water is safe for recreational use.

On Jan. 31, a spill at the same site dumped 1.7 million gallons of raw sewage into the lagoon

-- Martin Thompson (, February 12, 2000


Not another one! Soon, we'll need a chart to track these spills.

-- Lee Maloney (, February 13, 2000.

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