Nature's News Brief for Friday, Feb. 11 : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread

More on Romanian cyanide spill, called a "European catastrophe" and "the region's biggest disaster after Chernobyl" ... mining company "rejected charges it had caused an environmental disaster and said it had independent tests to prove it" ... Scientists recreate "quark-gluon matter" ... Roman artifact found in Mexico dates to 200 AD ... Anti-hunger group says $1 raise in minimum wage and $5 billion in food programs could halve hunger in the U.S. ... Crop and oil prices ... Italian study says "better food hygiene, fewer stomach infections and a sterile environment could be the cause of an epidemic of asthma and allergies" ... Offers to buyout Ben and Jerry's ... "180 nations are meeting in Bangkok this week to shape the global economy" ...

Nature's News

-- (, February 11, 2000


You know what? If Bill Gates, or someone in his general wealth bracket, were to donate the $5 billion, they would still be fairly rich. If it's true that Gates is worth $95 billion, he could donate several times more than the $5 billion figure, and hardly notice it.

There seems to be a serious imbalance in the wealth in this country.

I have heard that Gates has more wealth than the poorest 50% of the poorest folks in the WORLD, for that matter.

-- jumpoff joe a.k.a. Al K. Lloyd (, February 14, 2000.

Dear Joe, Did I really hear you say that "there is a serious imbalance of wealth in this country" ????? If you knew my income you would consider me poor (that's pronounced "pore" in E TX). I have nothing that I did not earn by my own efforts. Bill Gates has billions. I don't. So be it. I would not have it any other way.

-- Vlad (, February 18, 2000.

more on "imbalance of wealth" I recall a political science teacher in college who said that he thought a one world government would be a VERY desireable thing. He was insulted and angry when I tactfully pointed out to him that under a one world government school teachers are lucky to own a used bicycle. I can rememebr circa 1939 my grandfather's contempt for those who scurried to accept "relief" (welfare) from the county. Grandpa said, "Root, hog. Or die hungry." That means we each live or die by our own efforts and nobody, I mean NOBODY, owes me ... or you, sir ..... anything that we have not earned. There are no free lunches.

-- Vlad (, February 18, 2000.

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