Have you read this great article? Just came out!greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
Hey Titanic fanatics!Go to the following strip. It gives a comprehensive look at all the players in the film (pre- and post-Titanic). I'm definitely going to see Kate's brand new "Holy Smoke" which supposedly has gotten mixed reviews but she does a good job in. I'll see what the critics say about Leo's brand new "The Beach." I didn't know Gloria Stuart was in another movie! ("The Love Letter") Maybe someone should post that entire article on here! Sorry for my disgusting enthusiasm! Go Titanimania!!!
-- BobG (bobg@ibm.net), February 11, 2000
Oh Captain, my captain! (Oops, wrong movie! Sorry, Bob! =))The article was really interesting. I didn't know about parts of the set being in Australia. Looks like I need to make a trip down under to go see them! I wanted to see Hideous Kinky, but couldn't find it released here, and Ralph and I are already planning to see The Beach soon. Go Titaniacs!!! WooHoo!!
-- Misty (HiRver@concentric.net), February 11, 2000.