Dazzle DM-4000 Info

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I'm currently using an AIW Pro/Avi_io/Xing Encoder. I've been fairly happy with the results, but it is very time consuming.

The Dazzle has caught my attention. Anyone have any current experience with it and will the results be comparable/better/worse than what I'm using. It will be used primarily for VHS transfers to VCD.

Thanks folks, you're the BEST!!!

-- Lee Brown (leebrown@evcom.net), February 10, 2000


can you please give me a little more in fo as to whats the dazzle dm- 4000, i have the dazzle dvc. thanks

-- Doug (mazinz@aol.com), February 10, 2000.

Dazzle Dm-4000 is the model number on http://www.dazzle.com.

I've read somewhere there are two versions, and only the software is different.

-- Lee Brown (leebrown@evcom.net), February 10, 2000.

unless you use some other methods with the dazzle, your results will be worse. what i do with the dazzle is cpature using the 3000 bit rate then convert it from this to vcd with the panasonic encoder. my results are fine. if you use the dazzle at a straight 115 vcd rate your results will look pretty aweful.

-- Doug (mazinz@aol.com), February 11, 2000.

I had a Dazzle DVC and for me the results on Video CD were unwatchable. I returned mine and bought the Broadway 4.0. It costs more but was definitely worth it

-- Al McCraw (amccraw@ix.netcom.com), February 11, 2000.

Like A1 McCraw, I now use Broadway. I also have Dazzle's Snazzi but my view is that it can't match Broadway's quality.

-- Daniel Lee (siangneng@sp.edu.sg), February 11, 2000.

We all wonder what Dazzle/Snazzi has to say about statements like those above. If these vidcap devices produce awful mpegs, what then is Dazzle good for??

-- EMartinez (epmartinez@yahoo.com), February 15, 2000.

EZMartinez: hehe....It's good for Digital S-video inputs only and a lot of waiting for encoding time....

-- lnguyen (wingstarzz@hotmail.com), February 15, 2000.

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