What do the people on this forum think the whose thing is happening in the world?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I have my ideas but I really would like yours. You can give me insites into what others think. I am not a person who always believes they are always right. I need imput. I am in one spot, I can't see where you are.

-- ET (bneville@zebra.net), February 07, 2000


Could you rephrase the question?


-- Squirrel Hunter (nuts@upina.cellrelaytower), February 08, 2000.

Huh? Say what? What do you mean? What are you trying to say? Let's not go down the "mason" road again. Thank you.

-- Huh? (huh???@Huhhhh???.xcom), February 08, 2000.

---worst thing? very top of the list? I'd have to make it the this and the next generation's total cess pool polluted planet without a doubt, second worst is the continuuing oppression of peoples by various govs all over. The second is fixable eventually, hard but fixable, the first will have to be endured for the most part, and it's going to be tough, that's for sure. You can revolt against a dictator, but you can't clean an ocean. You can arrange your life to try and not be dependent on multinationals spending your money for you, but that won't get you oxygen from destroyed rainforests, or give you clean water from an aquifer destroyed. some examples.

-- zog (zzoggy@yahoo.com), February 08, 2000.

I am sorry, I have a problem from mind to page, I can't alway see How I have written something, even with reading it over and over again. This is a problem trying to get a thought out. I read find. I have no problems otherwise. I also am an artist. I can work almost any machine and build them. I have no problems with building computors ,they are machines. I can do most things. I have done most things around plumbing, carpenter, roofer etc.. and I am a woman. And I am a Mother and done pretty well at that if I do say so myself, I have two who are in collage, twins. They make over 3.20.

-- ET (bneville@zebra.net), February 08, 2000.

Wait a minute you have a problem . I asked what your thoughts were, don't you have any. I like to know what you think. There is all types of things going on and you thoughts are very needed.

-- ET (bneville@zebra.net), February 08, 2000.

Hey there-ET- I think you're either 3 shots in the wind or you've sent most of your mental being to an adjoining galaxy. That doesn't surprise me because several at this site seem to have high regards for wacky grass. Otherwise why would dozens of them spend several days posting around 300 answers to a question on hemp? They must be bored or it's a matter of priorities!

-- Liberal Hater (liberty@bell.com), February 08, 2000.

Hey Liberal Hater,

What's up with you dude? The lady said that she has a problem communicating in this way? Got that genius, she has a problem.

Go screw yourself Liberal Hater. Those are my thoughts.

A Libertarian <:)=

-- Sysman (y2kboard@yahoo.com), February 08, 2000.

I largely agree with Zog. I think we are facing "simultaneous crises"

The threats are concurrent and are arranged "in a circle" - whose diameter is rapidly diminishing. Here they are in approximate order of priority, but actually - all connected and have implications for each other. They are all interconnected in unspeakable reality but people's views are disconnected when they "think".

1) Environmental/Ecological (ice core samples; rate of species extinction; 70,000 industrial chemicals and their synergies (unknown - a big "experiment"; hormone disrupters; weakened immune systems; UV exposure/ozone; Toxic nuclear wastes; "DNA-genetic forest fires"; endocrine system disruptors; PCBs, dioxins, "new chemical soups"; rate of deforestation; loss of top soil...all combined; all interacting; all synergistically creating new effects.)

2) Energy Crisis: (oil vs. hemp; zero point energy; low efficiency design (waste); in-appropriate technology vs. appropriate technology)

3) Economic Crisis: (central banks; the nature of money; accounting which does not account for social costs; or long term costs.)

4) Educational Crisis: ("Thought pollution"; myopic non- global, non-comprehensive, disconnected thinking(?); local concerns only (Go USA!); TV is largely a joke; damaging, highly misleading and a waste of bandwidth and opportunity to get everyone "in-on-the- know". Information overload with fractured information; sound-byte attention span; channel changer mentality: "I'm bored"...click.)

5) Planetary "Disruptors" - (individuals and corp/group factions with highly selfish agendas; short sighted thinking; no responsibility to fellow Humanity, fellow species or Future Generations. Short term thinking with base motivations; think world is their "pin ball machine"; ding-ding! Goodie! Money!!!; twisted egos and their agendas, etc. ad nausium. Dominator Culture vs. Nurturing Communities. Merchants of Death, etc.)

6) Constitutional Crisis (In USA) balance of power is presently "out-of-control"; "double-speak"; erasing history; people sitting back, knowing all this...doing little or nothing. Powerlessness. Lack of conviction; too "mental" about everything.)

7) Withheld Technologies: (to continue Status Quo; 1/2 of world's best minds and budgets are tied up in/preoccupied with war machine; rather than solving Humanity's life support needs.)

8) Emotional/'spiritual' Crisis: (Low self-esteem, into struggling and limitation, 'no pain - no gain' mentality; disconnected from feelings and intuition; disconnected from 'knowingness'. Stuck in head and "thinking" about everything; suppressed Natural feelings; numbing out.)

9) Extraterrestrial Crisis (Galaxy is not empty; a popular "Earth Myth" i.e. "Can we listen to higher wisdom?" "What do they know about that could improve our chances for success?" Too "proud, self-centered and arrogant to see, or ask for help; or put out "galactic S.O.S"...we need help; we need it now)

10) Perceptual Crisis: lack of overview; underestimating rate and magnitude of changes; overestimating time frame and "human ingenuity" (silver bullet/hero at the last minute ego trip story); lack of comprehending what all this means in terms of Human Suffering...or if it was you, your child, family...etc. Don't "react" until the wolf is at the door, etc.)

11) Weather Crisis: "global heat balance", changes in weather patterns, droughts, rainfall, rate of arctic melting, affect on species migration.

12) Time window is closing...very rapidly; we are losing precious time to respond to all the above issues, and their combined effects.

The only thing more expensive than education...is ignorance. We are in a race between education and catastrophe. Knowledge without action...still appears as ignorance.

that's my take...(rough)

-- steve (WhoCares@nymore.Right?com), February 08, 2000.

Thanks for speaking up Sysman. I don't care about freedom of speech, people shouldn't have to put up with sick insensitive sickos like Liberal Hater. He is trash, and he's the type that is giving conservatives a bad reputation.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), February 08, 2000.

13 Failing to see the momentums behind all the above i.e. the the "Inertial Frieght Train Effect"

-- steve (WhoCares@nymore.Right?com), February 08, 2000.

Thanks some on this forum for standing up for me. I do thank you. And for the other posts right on you are there. We have problem very big and wide spread.

-- ET (bneville@zebra.net), February 08, 2000.

Hey there-ET- I want to apologize for my reaction to your post up above. Just want you know I'm not above sending you one because it sounds like it WAS needed. Makes me feel pretty good in knowing I'm capable of doing that compared to some pantry private named Hawk who is incapable of saying sorry to anyone. It's his style! Keep the posts coming!

-- Liberal Hater (liberty@bell.com), February 08, 2000.

You know Liberal Hater, things like that really piss me off. This lady has done nothing more than make a post on a public forum, looking for people to talk to. Maybe she is drunk, or maybe it's all a big joke, or just maybe she isn't quite as perfect as you.

Well, at least you apologized, so you can't be all bad. Have a good night. <:)=

-- Sysman (y2kboard@yahoo.com), February 08, 2000.

Well, ET, my prognosis isn't good. I'm 72 years old, a WW2 vet, who has witnessed the cultural changes in our country with my own eyes. I can state categorically that our people are so different from the generations before us that our forefathers would not recognize us as Americans.

Historic revisionists notwithstanding, this was once a Christian nation and our laws were founded on Biblical principles. Despite our many warts and bumps - the horror of slavery and the slaughter of native Americans - by and large, the ordinary American had a good heart and we were a cohesive people under God. Today, we are departing from the principles upon which this nation was founded as fast as our sexual preferences can take us. Deviancy of every stripe is being taught as normal in our public schools, the family unit is rapidly disintegrating, and better than 50% of our children are being raised by a single parent, or in homes where neither adult is the parent.

When we adopt multi-cultural values or accept the relativistic view that any lifestyle or cultural system is acceptable (just as long as that's what someone believes), we lose our cohesion as a people. We stop becoming just Americans with common goals and become Black Americans, Asian American, Latino Americans, or whatever "Americans" with special agendas and more loyalty to our cultural group than to our country as a whole. Our nation then loses it's monolithic cultural identity. Admittedly, there has always been some fragmentation, but nowhere near to the degree we are seeing today. Hard as it may be to believe, the stated aim of the public education system is to strengthen these cultural differences rather than to unify us as one people.

But, it wasnt always that way, I know because Im old enough to remember what this country used to be. Furthermore, Im a bit of a historian, and what I see in the above are the last days of the Assyrian, Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Greek or Roman Empires. Oh, each empire had a different religion or culture, but when an empire lost its cohesion as a people, it soon fell.

The point being: the US is so fragmented now, if the Chinese landed an invasion force in California, I venture to guess there would be people in New York demonstrating against our armed forces. It is this cultural fragmentation that leads me to believe we have won our last war and are facing a societal breakdown that will eventually lead to our becoming the next major totalitarian state. IMHO, our republic is as dead as the Dodo bird, our feathers just havent been plucked yet.

Timetable? I havent got one and there are lots of other negative factors. If Y2k had gown down anywhere near as expected, that could have done it. Im just looking at the overall picture and believe that our featherless carcass will soon be ready for the pot.

-- elskon (elskon@bigfoot.com), February 08, 2000.

Steve and Elkon, I'm impressed! Combine the two posts and you'll have the answer, ET. I'll note that President Eisenhower stated in his farewell address in 1960 (paraphrasing) that unless the American people were watchful and alert, the military-industrial complex would take over. Well, they did. It boils down to one of the seven deadly sins: greed!

-- George (George10@webtv.net), February 08, 2000.

1) Potential Nuclear War between India and Pakistan. This has the potential to cause some really long term damage to the planet!

2) World Economic Situation. This could cause many governments to (a) take unsound economic moves in an attempt to recover, and (b) cause some of those same governments to relax environmental restrictions...

3) Lowering Societal Moral Standards. We could be facing an increasingly rapid fall to chaos and another dark age. (On the positive side...I like swords...)

-- Mad Monk (madmonk@hawaiian.net), February 08, 2000.

Steve and Zog...I salute you! I agree with all you say. there is the problem, it's all encompassing and the sheeple seemingly have tunnel vision. Keep up those posts!


-- crow (suzan@monad.net), February 08, 2000.

Elskon, you are so right except the fragmentation began with the Civil Rights movement - led not by communists whose sole goal was to carry out Khruschev's prediction of taking America without a shot. Blacks became angry as a result of this "historical revision" which took place. Remember Woodrow Wilson praised the KKK for restoring decency to the South? Everybody forgot what life was like after Reconstruction destroyed the Southern way of life (or tried to). Those who hated God, Christianity, & Jacob's seed (what the Mayflower compact called the settlers of America) have worked unceasingly to fragment who and what we are and what we believe in. Don't give up! We are going to make a stand and we're going to win!

-- Okie Dan (brendan@theshop.net), February 08, 2000.

Steve, your brain is working overtime. Focus on what is right, and pretend you're God and start working on the solution(s). Believe in people, believe in a future, and believe in the power of love to make all things work for those who stand to inherit this green planet.

-- Okie Dan (brendan@theshop.net), February 08, 2000.

Liberal Hater,

Thank you for the apology to ET.

Just wanted to note that many people who use the internet have disabilities and it's wise to keep this in mind. The internet is a big place. *Not* saying ET has a disability, but you never know who does. People could have a vision problem or arthritis in their hands, MS, spinal cord inury, etc. For example, one of my best friends has MS and she has difficulty with email.

Appreciate the fact that you apologized quickly to ET. =)


=>You are strong.

=>You are invincible.

=>You are ET. =)

-- Dee (T1Colt556@aol.com), February 08, 2000.


It's just business as usual.

-- bz (beezee@statesville.net), February 08, 2000.

Korea. They're insane and they're starving.

-- h (h@h.h), February 08, 2000.

Freud already declared America "a disaster". I think I'll move to Sweden.

-- Amy Leone (leoneamy@aol.com), February 08, 2000.

Very interesting,

then there is the asteroid that may hit us in 2022, and comets we do not know about yet, a strong solar maximum now (and every 11 years), the over due major earthquakes in California and Alaska, the suspected overdue super volcano in Yellowstone park, (that could result in nuclear winter for 2 to 5 years) the interesting set of diseases identified (aided by mans experiments or not)

These have been posted about with references of the news sources on this site.

And of course all the people conflicts, pollution, culture changes - etc. mentioned above It is really something

-- Living in (the@real.world), February 08, 2000.

elskon, your post exhibits a perspective agreed with by many Americans. All of us, Americans, I believe, are similarly experiencing the same phenomenon- the perpetual degradation of American society and our very way of life. Every factor attributable to this steady decline including lost liberties, spiritual depravation ("falling away" of believers), breaking apart of the nuclear family, etc., can only be speculated upon as to their root cause and/or origin. The end result is obvious. What we are experiencing was our Founding Fathers worst nightmare. They did, however, effectively express their beliefs in social remedies for these very scenarios if they were ever to occur. Unfortunately our 2 most important documents, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, have been relegated to museums where their content has lost all meaning.

-- BoJo (RSKeiper@aol.com), February 08, 2000.

E.T., I think betwwen Steve and elskon your question has been answered. Excellant answers.

As usual at least one person has siad for us to do something. Usually this means voting. I ask you in return, WHY? Since I became eligable to vote, in 1964, almost all the people running for election say they will lower taxes or not increase them. I do not remember any pol saying he/she is for more reguation and more fed control/spending and more taxes.

So we vote them in and taxes go up, regulations increase, etc., etc., etc.. Tell me what we accomplish by voting? Please! Anyone??

-- Mr. Pinochle (pinochledd@aol.com), February 08, 2000.

Pinochel -

First, I understand what you are saying and how you mean it. Also, in a sense, "voting" is buying into "the game" the "government will do it for us". I just put an "X" on a paper every four years...and "they/somebody" else will do it. I think we all know that "representatives" do not truly represent the needs of The People. It has turned into a dog & pony show to give the appearance of participation; it is a "4 year ritual" we go through. It takess "DOing"...personal responsibility.

In other words, "the building won't get done by starring at the plans...."

Okie Dan -

Here...perhaps this will satisfy you: http://www.bashar.com/GSP . Try clicking the buttons, and see where it leads you.

Also, "Brain working overtime"

1) Compared to what?

2) "One man's ceiling is another Man's floor."

Best and thanks for the good question ET, and for all the input from everyone which helps to fill in the "Whole Picture". That way, we all understand better; what needs to be done...and what we have to do it with. Then, we choose from there how much any of this truly means to us...and to each other, including future generations...and to other species.

Best wishes to all,

-- steve (WhoCares@nymore.Right?com), February 08, 2000.

Okie Dan said: "Steve, your brain is working overtime. Start working on the solution(s). Believe in people, believe in a future, and believe in the power of love to make all things work for those who stand to inherit this green planet.

Steve: "I 'believe' the Data that is coming in about the actual state of our planet; and *I am* rather concerned about exactly 'what', as you say, "those who stand to inherit this green planet."...ARE going to inherit...as people like you sit around "sucking on your New Age Lolly Pops" thinking you are going to somehow "meditate" all this into place.

Try meditating a 'concrete roof beam' into place...and see where that gets you.

"Okie Doky"?>

tick...toc....tick....toc....time is getting "faster"...and The Circle is getting smaller.

Notice that?

-- steve (WhoCares@nymore.Right.com), February 08, 2000.

Dear ET

Humans: "They talk...but they do not Walk."

-- steve (WhoCares@nymore.Right?com), February 08, 2000.

"Okie Doky" - you said "Steve, start working on solutions."

Thanks for your "compelling directive" Okie. Good suggestion. Here's one 'solution' for starters:


Not THAT's a brain 'working overtime'. Read it, and then come back here, and tell everyone here if what is discussed in that thread "has anything to do" with all that is being discussed here.


-- steve (WhoCares@nymore.Right?com), February 08, 2000.

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