mirror blackout on digital cameras

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I commented on the news of a digital Canon EOS camera recently saying that I wondered when Canon would introduce a digital EOS1V RS, the thought has suddenly occured to me... Does a digital camera suffer from viewfinder blackout caused by the mirror moving into the viewfinder area in the same way as a 35mm camera ?

I currently have an older EOS RT (35mm) camera which has a pellicle mirror (no viewfinder blackout) and would be unwilling to give this feature up no matter how good the rest of the camera.

-- jeff holcombe (jeff.holcombe@ntl.com), February 06, 2000


depends on your digital camera, most are P+S type with a seperate viewfinder and a very few are SLR type, and if they are, check which body they are based on.. some of the kodak/canon models are based on the eos 1n. these camera runs from 10k-25k range

-- Keat Lim (keatlim@my-deja.com), February 07, 2000.

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