Has anyone breed beefalo or bison?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am considering breeding my hereford heifer to a beefalo anyone with hands on knowledge please let me know how you made out. How about breeding to a bison? I've read lots of info on this and there seems to be a lot of risks.
-- Patty Gamble (fodfarms@slic.com), January 31, 2000
There is a family in Riner,VA that has a buffalo farm. They have always seemed willing to talk about their experiences when I've been to their store. Perhaps they could help you. They have a web site: www.bcbuffalostore.com Also a man from my hometown of Waurika,OK used to raise beefalo. He had a female buffalo that he bred to a bull. His name is Sam Countiss. I don't know his phone number, but I'm sure it's listed. The area code there is 980. Hope this helps. Denise
-- Denise Wills (bluridgehi@aol.com), February 04, 2000.
Patty, I spread my tenticales out as best I could on this one and didn't get much back. Everyone commented that if this is indeed a heifer, she may have problems calving the first time. Buffalo calves are small, but no one was sure what if any difference that might make.One cattle rancher says that beefalo meat had been the rage, but now people either wanted beef or bison meat. He didn't think it would be worth the effort to raise the cross any more. It might be different where you live.
What I do know, and what everyone else knew, is that people who have beefalo or bison also have some very serious fencing. If you're planning on keeping the calf to start increasing your herd, it is something to think about.
Don't seem to be able to get connected to anyone who knows specifics. If you still need help, I can try to find out more. In my area there aren't many cow calf operations, but there are a couple more vets I can try calling. Gerbil
-- Gerbil (ima_gerbil@hotmail.com), February 06, 2000.
Dear Patty I just seen your ad. I guess by now you have moved on to other things. but in case you have not I have been raising beefalo and buffalo for 20 years. i have serval high percentage animals now. what i have expierenced over the years would fill a book. if you breed a bovine to a buffalo bull your chances of getting hydrops is about 99.9 percent. if you breed a femal buffalo to a bovine bull it will be ok. but usley you haft to raise the bull calf up with the buffalo.if you breed a buffalo bull to a bovine cow their is a treatment you can use.if your still interested let me know?and i will tell you more.
-- Jesse Knight (knightsbeefalo@aol.com), July 25, 2001.