recent air crash in south africa breaking : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Is this air crash near the ivory coast y2k related breaking news
-- cary dean (, January 30, 2000
yup i thawt id cach sum WIDOWANKY wif that won
-- cary dean (, January 30, 2000.
If Y2KPro is such a troll (and it seems to be so to me) why can't he be effectively blocked from participating in a community that he is so intent on disrupting? (It's not "censorship" since this is a community, not a public square. If only he had something to contribute other than blind skepticism...)I know from unfortunate past experience that it can be a real rush to be able to fire up controversy, until you remember there are REAL PEOPLE on the other end of the chat/forum/email messages.
It's fun to reach out and touch someone, so to speak. I love to go back to messages I've posted to and see what kind of feedback I get. But I don't get a kick out of kicking other people, and I hope anyone who does will reevaluate themselves. Find another way to get high. Maybe try gambling or the stock market for some action that doesn't hurt other people's feelings.
And even if we're "pathetic doomers" why is it Y2KPro's evangelical mission to try to get us to "see the light" and convert to pollydom? It's not like we're going to go to hell if we're wrong. But if the pollies are wrong, and convince others that Y2K and other impending world crises are just hype, others will suffer here on earth, because they didn't get a chance to do what they could to prepare.
I'm still interested in preparing. For Y2K, I got my flu shot and pneumonia shot, and it's saved me possibly weeks of debilitation and convalescence.
If not for Y2K, I would not have been motivated to spend $4,000 on laser eye correction (in case I can't get refills for contacts and glasses in the future, my myopia was off the scale). Laser eye surgery made a big difference in my quality of life, and I'm glad I did it now, even though it's been costing me $76/month for the last six months and for six months to come. At least it was paid for with pre-tax "cafeteria plan" benefits!
I spent more money in December on preps than on Christmas presents, but if push comes to shove, I can help my own family and perhaps a few others as well. That's the gift that keeps on giving.
Well, I've rambled on too much. Probably because I'm just a pathetic doomer. But Y2KPro is simply pathetic, I think, and has a HUGE chip on his shoulder. Kind of hard to keep your balance in such a situation, it seems to me. Ooops, did I hurt his feelings? Sorry.
-- Ceemeister (, January 30, 2000.
I don't think anyone should be banned for expressing an opposing opinion. Spamming would be a good reason for banning someone, not disagreeing.
-- JoseMiami (, January 30, 2000.
Sure glad that everyone wanted me to spend all my money to prep for a plane crash in Africa.
-- Patrick (, January 30, 2000.
The crises I'm referring to including the oil/refinery problems, record number of industrial accidents and failures, nuclear terrorism and proliferation, Russia-Chinese pact, authorities warning us of inevitable biowarfare, an unprecedented solar maximum, impending economic crash of, incomprehensible gun violence a la Colombine, an untrustworth government a la Waco, and the world being the wool pulled over our eyes as we move in subtle and not so subtle ways to a gilded cage society where no one even notices the loss of their liberty.Yes, this is off-topic regards the African crash, but my suspicion about plane crashes was raised thanks to the Flight 990 misinfo campaign and the latest revelations about Panam/Lockerbie. We know that the FAA just barely got compliant (maybe not) about Y2K, and other countries aren't going to have done as well.
Mark my words (as if I mattered at all in the scheme of things...) the "Y" in Y2K stands for YEAR. It's not over yet. Please reconsider your skepticism and consider some basic preparations for what may come this incredible year. (I never even had anything in savings before Y2K. Now I have something better than money in the bank-real goods stocked up. And at least I moved my 401K out of the stock market and into a guaranteed savings account. It would be in physical gold if I had a choice.)
-- Ceemeister (, January 30, 2000.
Right on, Ceemeister. Thanks for presenting a larger view than just computer malfunctions.
-- Okie Dan (, January 31, 2000.
Plane crashes(?), petroleum related incidents, etc. ... There are many things "happening", but few [that] are clearly, as yet, ear-marked Y2K related.When you don't know what you don't know, how do you frame the question and to whom? This whole Y2K thing [increasingly] reminds me of how I think of my exspouse - kinda like being in a dark room with a cobra.
In the ole days, there were red-necks and/or bigots who demeaned others to make themselves feel better. Now-a-days we are saddled with myopic, narrow-minded individuals that demean others AND wouldn't know an orignal idea or concept - if it bite them in the butt; therefore, if persons like Y2K Pro are offended by this posting, I rest my case.
-- bbccp (, January 31, 2000.
IF Y2K means Year 2000,then everything we read here is Y2K related,as long as it happens in the Year 2000,no?Keep on Trucking.....
-- Liberator (Feeding@the, January 31, 2000.