Bad Sprouts? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have heard something about sprouts and e-coli. Can't remember, but was there something extra bad about sprouts, unlike lettuce or raw broccoli? Sprouts seem like the perfect solution for winter salad enhancement or for times of no fresh veggies. Thanks
-- Dooda (, January 30, 2000
The fact is that anytime you have a factory produced product that is eaten raw, there is some risk of e coli.This includes regular lettuce and salad veggies. From what I understand e-coli comes from fecal matter so that means that if the water used in growing the sprouts is contaminated by such filth or if a factory worker neglects to wash his hands after coming out of the restroom, or if a migrant field worker has no bathroom facilities and does his business out in the field of lettuce,there is a risk of e coli. Is that gross enough for you? Sorry. Anyway, if you grow your own and wash your hands before handling the sprouts while they are growing, the sprouts should be perfectly safe and very healthful.
-- Rebekah (, January 30, 2000.
You're right Dooda, there have been some reports of problems with sprouts. Apparently some sprouting seeds have been recalled because of it. Don't know that there was anything "extra" bad about it though. As I recall, the reports said that rinsing the seeds with a bleach solution wouldn't help. Don't have my bookmarks anymore, but I know there are sprouting sites out there. Maybe a search will find them. Gerbil
-- Gerbil (, January 30, 2000.
-- paulette mark (, January 30, 2000.
Dooda,You've already seen this but I'm going to put it here as well for the benefit of the others.
There is reason to be concerned about the bacteriological safety of uncooked sprouts. The International Sprout Growers Association has directions on how to grow sprouts on their web pages that includes a disinfection step.
For just my wife and myself, both of us with healthy immune systems I wouldn't bother but when the time comes for my infant daughter to try them we certainly will. I'd disinfect any seeds to be sprouted and eaten raw by infants, the elderly and anyone with a compromised immune system. This isn't alarmism, it's recommended by the FDA and the Sprout Growers Association both and from the research I've done on the subject I agree with them.
Here's the URL for the Sprout Growers disinfection instructions:
http://www.isga-sprouts.or g/grow.htm
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-- A.T. Hagan (, January 31, 2000.
At the local health food store recently, I noticed a small bottle of plain old citric acid such as used to raise the acidity of tomatoes for canning. It had directions to mix 1 teaspoon per quart of water for soaking and rinsing seeds to prevent bacterial growth. my guess is that the acid conditions are what do the trick. Later I saw a package of seeds for sprouting in another store. The package which was distributed by Northrup-King directed to purchaser to soak the seeds in a bleach and hot water solution for 15 minutes. I don't remember the recommended proportions or the temperature but I do remember thinking what the heat for that period of time would do to the viability of the seeds.
-- Marilyn (, January 31, 2000.