Are you part of the superstructure of an oligarchic elite? : LUSENET : Squishy : One Thread

Are you part of a superstructure of an untouchable oligarchic elite? How can I be a part of this growing secret group of venal citizens? Do I need a password, or just my Gold Card?

-- Anonymous, January 26, 2000


I believe you're looking for the Ayn Rand forum, which is just down the hall.


-- Anonymous, January 26, 2000

Maybe your oligarchic elite superstructure wouldn't be so untouchable if you didn't bring the subject up so early on the first date.

-- Anonymous, January 27, 2000

The only part I fully understood was Gold Card, so go ahead and pass it on over. The superstructure of untouchable oligarchic elite will go shopping, and if an acceptible amount of purchasing can be done before the limit is hit, you might just be taught the super-secret handshake.

-- Anonymous, January 27, 2000

If it's untouchable, how can there be a superstructure?

-- Anonymous, January 27, 2000

Well, Ron, you see, it was formerly touchable, until it became a superstructure, then of course it was closed to new members (unless, of course, you are the son of a member (if I remember my Simpsons correctly), or you save the life of a member. So you see, when it was a less-than-super-structure, it was touchable, now that it is a SUPERstructure, no one can touch it.

(secret aside to Mikeleung) - venal means corrupt, or easy to bribe.

-- Anonymous, January 27, 2000

So, it's a structure that can leap tall buildings in a single bound while simultaneously working closely with Elliot Ness.

Now I grasp it.

-- Anonymous, January 27, 2000

Q. How many surrealists does it take to change a light bulb?

A. Fish.

-- Anonymous, January 27, 2000

(secret aside to Mikeleung) - venal means corrupt, or easy to bribe.

And it's a good thing, too. That's what makes hookers so easy to negotiate with.

-- Anonymous, January 27, 2000

The untouchable oligarchic elite may be found at This forum has more of an unruly Knights of the Round Table thing going on.

-- Anonymous, January 27, 2000

This forum has more of an unruly Knights of the Round Table thing going on.

That's what you get on the roof of your mouth when you eat your pizza before letting it cool.

If you love oligarchic elite superstructures, we love you. (Anyone else getting those commercials? Oh, nevermind...)

-- Anonymous, January 27, 2000

Damn, why must I undo all humor I get my filthy paws on. If humor were Tokyo, that would make me Godzilla. Someone please save this forum from me!

-- Anonymous, January 27, 2000





but not oligarchic elitests.... when i say oligarchic i gag... oligarchic... cough cough..

-- Anonymous, January 28, 2000

How many surrealists does it take to change a lightbulb?

Two. One to fill the bathtub with brightly colored power tools, and the other to stroke the giraffe.

-- Anonymous, January 28, 2000

I thought the answer was my tits, but I guess I read the question wrong.

-- Anonymous, January 28, 2000

My answer is "yes!"

(what the hell, i haven't a clue what I just responded to, but I figure I've got a 50% chance of being correct....although I suspect this is one of those "if you have to ask..." kinda questions.)

-- Anonymous, January 28, 2000

You got oligarchic elite superstructure in my peanut-butter!

You got peanut-butter in my oligarchic elite superstructure...


-- Anonymous, January 28, 2000

*snaps into position, clicks boots rapidly*

Jawohl, mein Fuhrer! Achtung!

Mein leben!

Ach du lieber, mein Gott.

-- Anonymous, January 28, 2000


Throwing out pidgin German phrases and red flag words like mein Fuhrer... I haven't exactly noticed anyone in this forum demonstrating any interest in testifying against you for any bombings you may wind up participating in. However, Xeney is a lawyer, if you wanted to try your luck at her forum at She has no trouble telling people where to go.

-- Anonymous, January 29, 2000


It was all in fun.

Lighten up, Francis.

-- Anonymous, January 29, 2000

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