So who really wants to marry Stee? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Check out Diane's entry about the whole Stee situation.

So I thought I'd see how many people really mean what they're saying, come on ladies make your pitch.

Hands up now, who loves Stee?

-- Anonymous, January 26, 2000


They can have Stee, I want Left Column. He's cuter.

-- Anonymous, January 26, 2000

...ditto to what trix said --- AND i'll add that unlike stee, left column is SINGLE...and apparently lonely...i'm off to send candy...

-- Anonymous, January 26, 2000

How can you NOT love Stee?

But really, why set yourself up for dissapointment? Stick with Left Column. If Stee ever breaks up with M it's gonna be neck and neck between Beth and Pamie - with the spoils (i.e. Stee) going to: a) the one with the most pets or b) the one with the best jokes or possibly c) the one who most closely resembles Larry King

-- Anonymous, January 26, 2000

I happen to know for a fact that Mr. Stee is a DOG person, not a cat person. So I clearly have the edge there, especially since I'm willing to give the cats to Jeremy and just collect more dogs. (Sorry, cats. This is true love we're talking about here.) Pamie's jokes are funnier, but I think I look more like Larry King, so I'm afraid Pamie will just have to stick with Eric.

-- Anonymous, January 26, 2000

I'll have you know that stee has revealed himself more than once in my journal to be

A. In love with me, and B. David Duchovny.

I'm just sayin.

-- Anonymous, January 26, 2000

I'm a practical woman. If Stee ends up with Pamie or Beth, that means either Jeremy or Eric will become available. I'll take one of those instead, they both seem like intelligent, charming men and not bad-looking, either. Their cats are kinda cute, too.

-- Anonymous, January 26, 2000

Wait a minute! This is a "who wants stee" forum, not an "I'll take Eric" forum. Man, you girlies have sticky fingers.

-- Anonymous, January 26, 2000

Hi!hi!!! so many sweet monkey-girl want marry me! don't marry stee. he not so cute as left column. and he always talk about Kate Blanchit, whoever that monkey-girl is. stee also embarassed by this sweet monkey-girl attention. stupid stupid boy. Hihi!!! so lonely. so so sad. you want marry me? secret: CANDY!!! hi!!!hey pretty girls. sweet pretty-monkey girls. so sad... so soooooooooooo sad...

-- Anonymous, January 26, 2000

Man, left column is such a playa. I had that "candy" line fed to me in the tenth grade.

-- Anonymous, January 26, 2000

Who wants to marry Stee?

Well, hey, stop looking at me like that. It was the booze talking, I swear...

-- Anonymous, January 27, 2000

Even some non-american, non-journaler, anonymous french girls, so bummed by disapearrance of CoffeeDog, are starting to giggle around Stee's Ricky Martin cover. Oh la la what does he look like? would he marry me in notre dame?

-- Anonymous, January 27, 2000

Who's Steve?

-- Anonymous, January 27, 2000

I assume you all saw this. I somehow missed it the first time around.

-- Anonymous, January 28, 2000

I'd like to be on the Stee waiting list. Of course, at our wedding, it would take all my strength not to fool around with left-column in the coat room.

-- Anonymous, January 28, 2000

Geez, you guys, what do you see in left column? That guy's a pervert. He only wants you for your candy.

-- Anonymous, January 28, 2000

Beth- I didn't see that, it was quite interesting, though.

I don't see why everyone loves stee. Even I love stee, if I ever get with a man like stee, shoot me. No offense to stee, but, um... you're an actor. I'm just kidding. He is really, truely irresistable. What is it about you stee?

How do we love thee, stee? Let us count the ways.

-- Anonymous, January 29, 2000

Stee seems great - really, but I like the above answer where we get to choose either Jeremy or Eric. Both adorable and extremely funny. So I'll just wait and see if Pamie or Beth get Stee and then I make my move to either California or Texas. I'll go to either. hee, hee.


-- Anonymous, January 29, 2000

god, you're all so mislead & wrong. left column and my monkeys have long since left the building. i believe that what's remaining is an impostor. RIGHT column, maybe, trying to ride on lefty's coattails.

stee? feh.

-- Anonymous, January 31, 2000

Yeah, I wanna marry Stee -- but if I can't, how about Vic Kipper??

-- Anonymous, February 01, 2000

...Um...Hi...My name's Steve. I know it's not the same thing and all, but...will you marry me?

Love me

-- Anonymous, February 07, 2000

I just saw the pictures of M. on Stee's page.

I surrender. I know when I'm outclassed.

-- Anonymous, February 07, 2000

I'm surprised no one's brought this thread back to life yet... :)

-- Anonymous, July 18, 2000

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