how to transfer data from video to cd's : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi, does anyone know how to transfer data from video to cd's or vcd. At one time I saw on ebay, there was a kit that facilitate the process of transfering from video to cd's. now it's not there anymore. Please let me know, i really want to transfer all my video on to cd's.

thanks.... montri...

-- montri stap (, January 24, 2000


You have to convert dat file to mpeg file by using vcdgear from here and then use Easy CD Creator Deluxe from Adaptec to burn your mpeg files into VCD.

-- keyman (, January 24, 2000.


What do you actually intend to do? Transfer from video tape, or avi file, or mpg file to CD, or VCD? You will require slightly different processes depending on what you want.

-- Daniel Lee (, January 24, 2000.

Thanks for the site!!!!! I had a problem a while back with the easy cd 4 so i had to burn with the NTI cd maker pro. but the NTI makes the vcd as "music.dat" I needed to recopy the file to my harddrive which i did but nothing wants to work with a .dat file thanks for the info on the program so i can re-convert it back to its proper self

-- Doug (, January 24, 2000.

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