best way to slaughter rabbit : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

would like to know the best way to kill rabbits for slaughter? Knife, hammer? other? All help appreciated

-- stan (, January 23, 2000


Stan, My usual method is to give the rabbit a sharp rap at the base of the ears to stun it, then hang by the legs & cut off the head.

-- Larry Lee (, January 23, 2000.

We did it almost the same way....stun by whacking behind ears, slash throat , hang by one leg to clean

-- Sue Landress (, January 23, 2000.

first i sit the rabbit on my outdoor wood chopping block then i pet it for a few strokes while i grab the lead pipe with the other handans give the rabbit a sharp wack at the base of the skull then i cut off the head with a sharp knife then i hang the rabbit up by the legs. finally i call my husband to clean it. he hates the killing...i hate the

-- pkchicken (, January 24, 2000.

I've been killing rabbits for years. Well, at least those rabbits that didn't die when shot during rabbit season. Recently I went to the USAF Survival School and was taught the "official" way to kill small animals. I'll give both methods. The Air Force advocates the use of a large stick (the earlier suggestion of a stel pipe seems better) and simply giving a strong whack to the base of the skull. You should hear a pretty good crack. When I tried to kill one of our rabbits for dinner, I gave it a damned good hit, but didn't kill it. I don't care for the stick method. Before I learned the AF method, I had always grabbed the rabbit behind the head (with my palms pinning the ears down and my thumb towards the back of the animal), lifted the animal up to about head level, thrust my arm down quickly, and just as my range of motion is bottoming out, jerk sharply back up to head hieght. The rabbit's body weightswinging around so sharply snaps the neck. We used this method on any small game and I've never had it not work.

-- Chris Stogdill (, January 25, 2000.

I usually take the rabbit and get it wet. Then i shave the little bastard. I then gouge out the eyes, and boil them, and feed them to my son. From there i brand the little shit with a nazi symbol. then i put the rabbit in a concentration camp with the other rabbits. Once the rabbits looks good and tender, i incenerate the little shit. Then i spread the ashes over my penis.

-- Thomas Vag (, May 07, 2001.

tommy ur sick

-- drew (, August 23, 2001.

We use air gun to kill them - and then we cut throat and that's all.

-- vibor (, September 17, 2001.

We are thinking to built a slaughter for rabbit meat and we looking for a full equipment

-- Demosthenes Karabetsos (, March 30, 2002.

Brower has professional killing and cleaning equipment. You can do rabbits on equipment made for poultry.

-- Laura (, March 30, 2002.

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