The usual from Y2K Pro. . . : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

was deleted -- but here is the IP information: Asked by Y2K Pro (y2kpro1@[NOT.AT] from on January 22, 2000. maps to ...

-- Y2K Pro (y2kpro1@[NOT.AT], January 22, 2000


Thanks for the heads up!! This scum should be tracked down and destroyed.

-- (, January 22, 2000.

Because Y2KPro was more right than 99.9% of doomer talk on this board?

-- Patrick (, January 22, 2000.

"This scum should be tracked down and destroyed"

Sysops, you might want to confine this poster 'hal' to quarters before he embarrasses you further. Sounds a little like 'Brett' doesn't he.

-- Look (at@the.facts), January 22, 2000.

... and the usual response to his posts: Why do you care?

Why does he (you) persist in irritating and bothering people?

-- Robert A. Cook, PE (Marietta, GA) (, January 22, 2000.

Robert, it's called, alas, mental illness. the guy is probably lonely, has no friends, no life other than the internet. Pretty sad really.

-- Andy (, January 22, 2000.

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