Golfers hit by suspected y2k Glitch : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Y2K suspected in golf course computer glitch

GILLETTE, Wyo. (AP)01-21-2000 - Some are blaming Y2K for handicapping a computer software program at the Bell Nob Golf Course pro shop. Kirk Wasson, manager of the pro shop, said when he turned the computer on after the New Year, he discovered the software system had locked up. He said the software was never updated to be Y2K compatible. Of all the Y2K computer problems that could have arisen, this is probably the least harmful, said Dave McCormick, director of the Campbell County Parks and Recreation Department. The golf shop is closed during the winter months. "At least we've got a six-week window to get it replaced, depending on the weather." Campbell County commissioners on Tuesday agreed to buy a new computer software system for $16,525. About half of the money will come from a $225,000 fund the county had set aside for Y2K problems. The rest will come from regular operating money.

Link to story:

-- Carl Jenkins (, January 21, 2000


In related news, our local indoor gun range's computer system is still waiting to be replaced (somtime in early February) The manager there opened up on the 2nd, and the system asked for the date. It had NEVER donre that before, but he entered 01/01/00. Worked OK that day, but the next day it asked for the date again. He entered 01/02/00... and it took a dump. They can access customer records, but can't run credit/atm transactions. They don't have an old-fashioned credit card (manual) machine, so they use carbon/pencil for the card info. They had done *nothing* about Y2k issues. Guess all that money spent *was* worth it, after all.

-- Blastitall (shootin'@whatever.moves), January 21, 2000.

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